我来到操场上,听到了吵闹的声音,今天上午,我们学校举行了一次别开生面的跳蚤市场活动。大约九点多,看见卖吃商店里的小朋友都戴着围脖巾,烧着东西,真像一位专业的厨师。我来到 自己班级的商店里,看到了各种各样的玩具,有水晶宝宝,变形金刚,陀螺等。我东奔西跑,买到了自己喜欢吃的东西,也买到了自己喜欢玩的玩具。商店真是五花八门,家里缺啥,这里有啥。
I came to the playground and heard the noise. This morning, our school held a new flea market activity. At about nine o'clock, I saw that the children in the food store were wearing bibs and burning things. They were really like a professional chef. I came to the shop of my class and saw all kinds of toys, including crystal baby, transformer, top and so on. I run around and buy things I like to eat and toys I like to play with. There are so many kinds of shops. What's lacking at home, what's here.
Love bazaar, true love transmission, valuable goods, priceless love, today's harvest is really big!
This flea market not only opened my eyes, but also made me know that my hard work would be sweeter than honey
