2010-08-12 08:27:08   来源:作文地带   评论:0 点击:

Great minds think alike 英雄所见略同 我看到很多网站上写great men think alike, 这和中文成语的意思就相近了。可不是正确的说法。 ex: We both think Bush is an idiot. Great minds think alike. 我们都认为布什是个笨蛋。真是英雄所见略同。 Out of the frying pan
  • Great minds think alike    英雄所见略同
    我看到很多网站上写great men think alike, 这和中文成语的意思就相近了。可不是正确的说法。
    ex: We both think Bush is an idiot. Great minds think alike. 我们都认为布什是个笨蛋。真是英雄所见略同。
  • Out of the frying pan and into the fire   才出虎穴,又入狼窝
    ex: I thought Mike was my better half. I was totally wrong. He is even worse than my ex-boyfriend. I'm out of the frying pan and into the fire.  我以为Mike会是我的另一半,我完全错了。他比我的前男友还要糟。我是才出虎穴,又入狼窝。
  • Add fuel to the fire   火上浇油
    ex: I'd like to help, but I don't want to add fuel to the fire.  我很想帮忙,但怕是火上浇油啊。
  • Blood is thicker than water  血浓于水
    ex: Mike and Lucy are having a fight. Lucy is my sister. Mike, my buddy friend, I have to be on her side. Blood is thicker than water.  Mike和Lucy吵架。Lucy是我妹妹,Mike老兄,我得站在她这边。血浓于水啊。
  • Cry over spilled milk   覆水难收
    ex: Come on, you broke up with her. It's too late to get her back. She's getting married. Don't cry over spilled milk。
  • On pins and needles  如坐针毡
    ex: I'm so nervous about this interview. I'm on pins and needles. 我好紧张这次面试啊。我简直如坐针毡。
  • When in Rome, do as the Romans do.  入乡随俗
  • look for a needle in a haystack  大海捞针
    ex: Are you looking for a needle in a haystack? It's not gonna work. She's disappeared.  你这不是在大海捞针么,行不通的。她消失了。
  • Don't judge a book by its cover  人不可貌相,海水不可斗量
    ex: He always drives an old car and wears clothes with patches.  You can't tell he is the richest man in the town by his appearance. Don't judge a book by its cover.   他总是开一辆破车,穿着打补丁的衣服。从外表上你看不出来他是这儿最有钱的人吧。人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。

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