2010-08-11 01:43:11 来源:作文地带 评论:0 点击:
It seemed as though I could not find The lovely vision in my mind; That is, until that special night, When you came walking into sight. Thank you for your kindness, And your caring ways; Thank you for your love, All these many days. I cannot live without
It seemed as though I could not find
The lovely vision in my mind;
That is, until that special night,
When you came walking into sight.
Thank you for your kindness,
And your caring ways;
Thank you for your love,
All these many days.
I cannot live without your love -
My life would not be the same;
For I would be incomplete,
Like a candle without a flame.
Each night my visions wander far,
To a place I cannot travel to;
And there they mingle with your thoughts,
In a lover's rendezvous.
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