Maybe it works——也许真管用!
2010-08-07 19:21:32   来源:英语学习网络整理   评论:0 点击:

During the college speech course I taught, I spoke about a Chinese student who, after moving to the United States, decided she wanted an English name to honor her new home. "She chose the name Patience," I told the class, "because she wanted to be reminde

  During the college speech course I taught, I spoke about a Chinese student who, after moving to the United States, decided she wanted an English name to honor her new home. "She chose the name Patience," I told the class, "because she wanted to be reminded to be patient. Every time someone called her name, the message was reinforced." I asked the students what names they would select for themselves. After considering the question, one young man raised his hand and said, "Rich."

  我在大学教演讲课程 ,(一次)上课时,我谈到一位中国学生,在来到美国后,希望起一个英文名来纪念她的新家。“她选择了Patience(耐心)这个名字”,我跟课堂上的学生说,“因为她想别人提醒她要有耐心。 每一次有人喊她名字的时候,这个信息就会被强调一次。” 我问我的学生他们想给自己起个什么样的名字。在琢磨了一会儿之后,一个男生举起了手,说,“Rich(发财)。”

相关热词搜索: 管用 也许 works it Maybe

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