You need a shower——你得洗个澡了
2010-08-07 19:21:35   来源:英语学习网络整理   评论:0 点击:

In search of a new shower, my wife and I went to a bathroom-supply store. We discussed our needs in detail with a young saleswoman. Since it was near closing time, we had to curtail our discussion. Later my wife and I were at a restaurant, where the same

  In search of a new shower, my wife and I went to a bathroom-supply store. We discussed our needs in detail with a young saleswoman. Since it was near closing time, we had to curtail our discussion. Later my wife and I were at a restaurant, where the same young woman was working as a waitress. As she passed our table, she suddenly recognized us and called to me in a voice loud enough for nearby diners to hear, "Hey, you're the man who needs a shower."

  为了找一个淋浴器,我和妻子去了趟卫浴用品店。 我们详细地和一位女售货员讨论了我们的需求。 因为商店快关门了,我们不得不提前结束了讨论。 随后,我们去了一家餐厅,在那我们又见到那位女售货员,她同时在这家餐厅当服务生。 当她走过我们的桌子时,她突然认出了我们,用大得让附近用餐客人都听得见的音量对我喊道,“嘿,你就是那个要买淋浴器的人”。(也可以理解为“你就是那个需要洗澡的人”。)

相关热词搜索:洗个 你得 shower need a You

上一篇:Never run out——从不缺

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