2010-08-07 19:21:35   来源:英语学习网络整理   评论:0 点击:

My son, a used-car dealer, showed his customer a 2005 Chevy in great condition. "And it's only $7, 000," he told the man. "I'm willing to give you $3, 500," said the customer. My son feigned disappointment. "If at all possible," he responded, "I'd like to

  My son, a used-car dealer, showed his customer a 2005 Chevy in great condition. "And it's only $7, 000," he told the man. "I'm willing to give you $3, 500," said the customer. My son feigned disappointment. "If at all possible," he responded, "I'd like to sell you the whole car."

  我儿子是个二手汽车商。一次,他给一位顾客展示一辆车况还很不错的2005年雪弗莱。 “这辆车只要7000美元”,他跟顾客说。“我只想给3500美元”,顾客说。我儿子装着很失望地回答说。“如果真的有可能,我原意整辆卖给你”。

相关热词搜索:讨价还价 Bargain

上一篇:You need a shower——你得洗个澡了
下一篇:Perfume and new marker——香水和麦克笔

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