Modern chivalry——现代骑士精神
2010-08-07 19:21:53   来源:英语学习网络整理   评论:0 点击:

Sitting in his cab waiting for a fare, my friend's husband, William, watched as a torrential downpour left lake-size puddles just off the curb of the busy street. Then the back door opened and a customer got in. As William asked the destination, the would

  Sitting in his cab waiting for a fare, my friend's husband, William, watched as a torrential downpour left lake-size puddles just off the curb of the busy street. Then the back door opened and a customer got in. As William asked the destination, the would-be passenger exited through the other door, successfully avoiding the puddles. "Thanks," she said. "Chivalry isn't dead after all."

  我朋友的丈夫William(是一名出租车司机),此时正坐在车里等着一名顾客付钱,同时,看着倾盆而下的大雨在那条忙碌的街道边上留下一些犹如湖一般大小的水洼。 这时,车的后座门开了,一位顾客钻了进来。 当William问她要到哪时,这名准乘客从车的另一扇门下去了,成功地躲开了那些水洼。“谢谢”,女乘客说。“看来骑士精神毕竟还没有死”。

相关热词搜索:精神 骑士 现代 chivalry Modern

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