Good place for smoking——吸烟的好地方
2010-08-07 19:22:12   来源:英语学习网络整理   评论:0 点击:

Some people have a knack for remembering faces. Others, according to this e-mail I received at work, go them one better: "The only designated smoking area at Building One is at the picnic benches, under the covered area, where the butt distinguishers are.

  Some people have a knack for remembering faces. Others, according to this e-mail I received at work, go them one better: "The only designated smoking area at Building One is at the picnic benches, under the covered area, where the butt distinguishers are."

  有些人在记住别人的脸孔方面很有一手。 其他人,根据在上班时收到一封电邮,是有过之而无不及,电邮上写道:“一号楼唯一指定的吸烟区是在烧烤长凳那里,就在遮盖区的下面,烟头感应器就在那里”

相关热词搜索: 地方 吸烟 smoking place for Good


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