Blood donation——捐血
2010-08-07 19:22:13   来源:英语学习网络整理   评论:0 点击:

Who says companies only care about the bottom line? Ours is socially conscious and offers employees fun outdoor activities throughout the complex. Both of these admirable elements were driven home one day when a voice over the loudspeaker boomed "Everyone

  Who says companies only care about the bottom line? Ours is socially conscious and offers employees fun outdoor activities throughout the complex.

  Both of these admirable elements were driven home one day when a voice over the loudspeaker boomed "Everyone who signed up to donate blood, please report to the rifle range!"

  谁说公司只顾着赚钱? 我们公司就很有社会意识的,同时还在整栋综合楼里面给员工们提供了有趣的户外活动。


相关热词搜索:捐血 donation Blood

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