2010-08-07 19:22:19   来源:英语学习网络整理   评论:0 点击:

One Friday everyone in our office was in high spirits, and Marshall, a sales rep, was making the rounds, joking and teasing us all. When he stopped in front of a new employee's desk, she braced herself. "I hoped I might be spared," she said. "Oh, you can'

  One Friday everyone in our office was in high spirits, and Marshall, a sales rep, was making the rounds, joking and teasing us all. When he stopped in front of a new employee's desk, she braced herself. "I hoped I might be spared," she said.

  "Oh, you can't escape Marshall," our boss cautioned her. "He's an equal-opportunity annoyer."

  一个周五,我们办公室的所有人都热情高涨, 销售代表Marshall在办公室内四处耍宝,逗我们高兴。 当他来到一个新员工的桌子前时,那位新员工是一副严阵以待的样子,说,“我希望我能免了”。


相关热词搜索:机会 平等 Equalopportunity

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