2014-01-19 02:24:18   来源:英语作文   评论:0 点击:

英国人的价值观跟我们中国人和美国人有何区别,他们怎么看待周围的人和事都值得我们关注。学好一门语言就要了解它的文化,想写好英语作文就要了解英国文化。 What does it mean to be British and what are the things people in Britain value? There are lots of stereotypes linked to British peo


What does it mean to be British and what are the things people in Britain value?

There are lots of stereotypes linked to British people.

The most common image people have is a man wearing a bowler hat and reading the Times newspaper.

The Americans also think Brits have very bad teeth.
A girl with the British flag painted on her face

What do British people value?

And many countries think the British are very reserved and polite.

In this programme Feifei and Helen find out more about British people’s life values.

They ask several British nationals what values they think modern British people have and what kind of things they hold dear to their hearts.

相关热词搜索:价值观 英国人 关于


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