You're telling me you're just gonna walk out of here and i'm never going to see it again.别告诉我一就这样走出去而我却再也看不到它了。(纹身店的老板对Michael的纹身赞不绝口)
There's good chance of that ,yes极有可能,没错。
Sir, you have a half a million dollars cash in your bag.Don't you think it would be better...?先生,你的包里已经有50万刀了,你不觉得...(赶紧闪)比较好么?(比较搞笑,连银行职员都开始帮坏人出主意了)
This is the police ,you are completely surrounded。put down your weapon,put down your weapon now!我们是警察,你已经被完全包围了。马上放下武器(个人觉得ms在这里把枪往地上一丢的那个动作很帅。。。)
Rarely in the case of armed robbery do we hear a plea of no contest我们很少见到在持枪抢劫案中主动要求不用辩护的。
Perhaps you should heed your representation's advice.take some additional time to consider your response.也许你应该听你代理人的意见,再花店时间考虑一下你的答复。
we've been over this 我们不会再谈论这个了
I've known you my entire life我认识你这么多年you don't have a violent bone in your body你的骨子里根本就没有暴力。
I would ask counsel to refrain from interrupting me 请辩护律师不要打断我。
Sentence to be carried out immediately.判决立即执行。(ms“顺利入狱”)