Little Red Riding Hood? That’s you isn’t it?
Yes, Grandma.
Lift up the latch, dear, and come in.
The wolf quickly ran into the house!
Grandma jumped out of bed, and she hid herself in a cupboard.
I’ll get you later, Grandma.
Just then, Little Red Riding Hood knocked on the door. The wolf put on the grandmother’s cap.
Who is it?
Little Red Riding Hood, listen to us! The wolf’s in the house, and he’s dangerous!
It’s Little Red Riding Hood, Grandma.
Lift up the latch, dear, and come in.
So Little Red Riding Hood went in and sat on the bed.
Grandma! You haven’t been feeling well, have you?
Don’t worry. I’ll be better soon. Come closer, dear.
But Grandma, what big ears you have!
They help me to hear you better.
But Grandma, what big eyes you have!
They help me to see you better.
Oh, but Grandma, what big teeth you have!
Yes, and they’ll help me to eat you up!
The wolf jumped out of bed and grabbed Little Red Riding Hood.
Just then, a woodcutter was passing the house .He heard the scrams, rushed inside, and saw the wolf.
Wolf! What are you doing?
The wolf saw the woodcutter’s axe, and as quick as a wink, he ran out of the house.
I’ll get you later! Are you all right?
Yes, I’m all right now, but that wolf was try into eat me!
Me, too!
Grandma, you’re safe!
The wolf didn’t eat you! Thank goodness!
You are both very lucky, aren’t you?
2010-08-07 13:17:51 来源:少儿英语学习 评论:0 点击:
LittleRedRidingHood Onceuponatime,therewasalittlegirl.Everyonecalledher“LittleRedRidingHood.”Oneday,hermotheraskedhertovisithergrandma.Shelivedontheothersideofthewoods. Grandmahasn’tbeenfeelingwell.Willyoupleasetakesomelunchtohertoday? I’llgorightnow. Ilo