2010-08-07 13:18:05 来源:少儿英语学习 评论:0 点击:
学习英语的方式多种多样,猜谜语学英语就是其中之一,它不仅是学习英语的有效方式,而且还能激发学生学习英语的积极性。现在就请同学们猜猜下面的谜语。 1.Whatletterisaninsect?(Whatlettersoundsausefulinsect?) 谜底:B字母B的读音与bee(蜜蜂)单词的读音一样。 2.Whatletterisadrink? 谜底:T字
20.What has teeth but never use them for eating?
21.It has a mouth,but never speaks;it has bed but never sleeps in it.What is it?
谜底:River 因river有河床,河口。
22.What walks all the time but never leaves its place?
谜底:Clock or watch.
23.What comes twice in a moment,once in a minute and never in a hundred years?
24.What word contains seven letters?
The first two letters stand for a man.
The first three letters for a woman.
The first four for a great man.
And the whole for a great woman.
25.Two little boats without any sails,
With ten passengers on board.
They don’t go on the river or sea,
But travel on dry land.
In the day the boats pass to and from.
But at night they are empty.
谜底:A pair of shoes.
26.Without a voice I speak to you.
I am small and light.
I express others’ thoughts.
Sometimes I bring you happiness
and sometimes sadness. What am I?
谜底:A letter.