2010-08-07 13:19:00 来源:少儿英语学习 评论:0 点击:
汉字部件 Hanzi component, Chinese character component
部件使用频度 utility frequency of component
部件组字频度 compositive frequency of component
部首 indexing component
偏旁 radical
字量 Hanzi quantity, character quantity
字频 Hanzi frequency, character frequency
字音 Hanzi pronunciation, character pronunciation
字序 Hanzi order, character order
词素 lexeme
基本词 primary word
常用词 high frequency word
通用词 commonly-used word
专用词 special term
单纯词 simple word
合成词 compound word
短语 phrase
固定短语 fixed phrase
词频 word frequency
词的使用度 word usage
词流通频度 circulation frequency of word
词使用频度 utility frequency of word
词分类流通频度 circulation frequency of the word classification
句子 sentence
句法关系 syntactic relation
单义 monosemy