  Mr. Arable: Pretty soon there’s gonna be no place in the barn for a pig.
  Fern: I promised I’d take care of him.
  Mr. Arable: Well, I’l letting you out of your promise.
  Fern: I didn’t promise you. I promised Wilbur.
  朋友间的誓言是如此神圣不可侵犯,哪怕是人与动物之间的约定。影片中Fern眼中的坚毅与勇敢让人折服。最终为了维持家里的生计,懂事的Fern不得不将Wilbur送到Uncle Homer的谷仓。Wilbur也不舍与Fern分别,试图冲破谷仓栅栏去追赶Fern乘坐的校车,在撞得头晕眼花之后,终于撞破了栅栏的一块木板,成功突围……不料却阴差阳错撞见了不远处一栋陈旧的smokehouse(烟熏室),年幼不谙世事的它当然不懂得这个外表阴森的房子是做什么用的。而谷仓里的动物们此刻却都心知肚明,同情起这头可怜的spring pig,原来春天出生的小猪难逃成为岁末圣诞大餐的命运。故事就此拉开了帷幕。
  Wilbur刚搬进新谷仓,便与蜘蛛Charlotte结成了好朋友。这份友谊感动了谷仓里的动物,使大家融合成一个团结友爱的大家庭。Wilbur还与“人人”都退避三舍的老鼠Templeton成了朋友,宽容地让它在自己的食槽里大快朵颐。其实,在Wilbur到来之前,动物们对蜘蛛和老鼠并不友好,甚至含有敌意,大家称Templeton为“disgusting creature”,Charlotte在谷仓现身时,谷仓更是炸了锅,动物们无不“见蛛色变”。
  Ike the Horse: Spider! Spider! Get it away from me! Get it away! Get it away!
  Samuel the Sheep: All right, keep your distance there.
Golly the Goose: That thing is creepy(恐怖的).
  Gussy the Goose: Golly! You’re not being rude, are you?
  Golly the Goose: No, no, no. I meant “creepy” in a nice way. You know, creepy good.
  Others: Disgusting!
  Others: They eat their menfolk, you know.
  而Wilbur生性纯朴天真,心无芥蒂,对世俗的东西都无偏见,见到谁都问人家“What’s your name?”然后乐呵呵地咧嘴说“Great name”,并乐于跟每一个动物成为朋友。正是这份质朴与善意,拉拢了动物彼此之间的距离。连Templeton这只好吃懒做、自私势利的老鼠,在单纯善良的Wilbur面前,也渐渐显露了可贵的侠义之气,为拯救Wilbur立下了不小的功劳,两次冒着被乌鸦攻击的危险为Charlotte织网上的字寻找素材。Wilbur与Templeton的第一次见面颇具喜剧效果,被世人贬低看不起的Templeton想在新人之前竖立一点权威,而Wilbur却无视Templeton的傲慢与无礼,一心想交个朋友。
  Wilbur: Hi, there.
  Templeton: Oh, you’re a pig. You’re a pig. Pig equals slop (泔水). The rat is happy.
  Wilbur: My name’s Wilbur. Do you have a name? Or is it just“the rat”?
  Templeton: Did you say “just the rat”?For your information, pig, the rat rules. We were here long before your kind, and we’ll be here long after. So, you just keep that in mind next time you feel like reducing me to “just the rat.”
  Wilbur: You called yourself “the rat.”
  Templeton: I can call me that. You can’t.
  Wilbur: Good night. Good night. Good night!
  Charlotte: Good night.
  Wilbur: Huh? Who said that? Who are you? Where are you? Are you invisible?
  Charlotte: No, I’l nocturnal, which means I work at night, when you should be sleeping. Now, I need to concentrate, so, good night.
2010-08-07 13:19:21   来源:少儿英语学习   评论:0 点击:

作者与原著 Charlotte’s Web改编自美国散文名家E. B. White (1899~1985)所著的同名童话。从小喜欢动物,长大后更拥有自己农场的作家White,对于动物的刻画细腻传神而不落俗套,故事的铺陈更是充满惊奇引人入胜,搭配上流畅生动的行文,读过的孩子都爱不释手。Charlotte’s Web自1952年出版迄今,已经

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