91. 不久我们就要参观那座博物馆了。(before)92. 尽管有很多困难,我们仍将执行我们的计划。(carry)
93. 当我们听到中国将主办2008年奥运会的消息,我高兴得跳了起来。(learn)
94. 政府向遭受水灾的人们提供药品和食品。(provide)
95. 据报道这个国家三分之一的城市缺水。(short)
96. 这两家公司的贸易谈判中断了,以至于经理们不得不寻找其他的合作伙伴。(between)
97. 电子邮件同电话一样,在日常交流中起着重要作用。(as well as)
98. 学生们向老师解释玛丽缺课的原因是她患了感冒。(reason)
99. 如果你不是昨晚熬夜的话,你现在就不会打瞌睡了。(sleepy)
100. 应该采取行动来阻止黑客侵犯我们的电脑系统。(prevent)
91.It won’t be long before we visit that museum.
92. In spite of many difficulties, we’ll still carry out our plan through to the end.
93. On hearing the news that 2008 Olympic Games would be held in China, I jumped up because of joy.
94. The government provided medicine and food supplies for the people in the area affected by flood.
95. It is reported that one-third of the cities in the country are short of water supply.
96. The trade talks between the two companies broken down so that their managers had to look for another trade partner.
97. E-mail, as well as telephones, is playing an important part in daily communication.
98. The reason that the students explained to the teacher for Mary’s absence was that she was down with flu.
99. If you hadn’t stayed late last night, you wouldn’t be so sleepy now.
100. Action should be taken to prevent hackers from breaking into our computer system.