1. 这是暴风雪将要来临的先兆。
2. 心脏能安全地打开,其瓣膜能安全地修复。
3. 如何机器,若已知其输入力和输出力,则可以求出其机械效益。
4. 我觉得《围城》里的人物和情节,都凭他那股子痴气,呵成了真人真事。
5. 孩子们是可爱的,他们天真,坦白,热情,心里想到什么就说什么,没有丝毫虚伪,没有丝毫勉强。
6. Rods and wires shall have a smooth finish, free from surface imperfections, corrosion products, grease or other foreign matter which would affect the quality of the weld.
1. 这是暴风雪欲来的先兆。
All that foreboded a storm.
2. 心脏能安全地打开,其瓣膜能安全地修复。
The heart can be safely opened and its valves repaired.
3. 如何机器,若已知其输入力和输出力,则可以求出其机械效益。
For any machine whose input force and output force are known, its mechanicaladvantage and be calculated.
4. 我觉得《围城》里的人物和情节,都凭他那股子痴气,呵成了真人真事。
It was those charming mischievous quirks of his that made it possible for him to create the characters and plots for the novel and pass them off as real people and real deeds.
5. 孩子们是可爱的,他们天真,坦白,热情,心里想到什么就说什么,没有丝毫虚伪,没有丝毫勉强。
The kids are just lovely. They are naïve, candid and cordial. They speak straight from the heart, without the slightest insincerity or reluctance.
6. Rods and wires shall have a smooth finish, free from surface imperfections, corrosion products, grease or other foreign matter which would affect the quality of the weld.(英译汉)