1. 明年我们不应再给农民打白条了。
2. 公款吃喝是群众反映强烈的不正之风之一。
3. 改革和开放也使民族精神获得了新解放。
4. 有些人认为要在本月完成这一任务是不可能的。
5. 尽管两国高唱关系热化,但双方在互相侦查方面的急切程度,丝毫不减于冷战高潮时期。
6. The talk about raising taxes was a red flag to many voters.
1. 明年我们不应再给农民打白条了。
Next year we should not issue IOUs to farmers again when we purchase farm produce and sideline products from them.
2. 公款吃喝是群众反映强烈的不正之风之一。
Sumptuous banquets, financed by state money, have long been a bane on Chinese society.
3. 改革和开放也使民族精神获得了新解放。
The reform and the open policy has also further emancipated the minds of the people.
4. 有些人认为要在本月完成这一任务是不可能的。
Some people do no think it is possible to accomplish this task this month.
5. 尽管两国高唱关系热化,但双方在互相侦查方面的急切程度,丝毫不减于冷战高潮时期。
The two countries—with all the talk of warmer relations—are spying on each other as avidly as at the height of the cold war.
6. The talk about raising taxes was a red flag to many voters. (英译汉)