So, as I wrote a few weeks ago, set limits for checking inboxes, Twitter etc. Use your laziness and come up with ideas on how to make things as simple as you can in your daily life. Find the smartest path instead of thinking there is some reward for doing things in the most roundabout and complicated way。
This also makes it easier to really relax when you relax and work in focused way when you are working. Be smart and balance life and take advantage of laziness instead of making things into an unnecessarily big struggle。
3. Ruthlessness。
Adding a bit of ruthlessness has, in just the right amount, been very helpful for me. It allows me to cut out the unnecessary instead of wimping around and trying to everything to fit in somehow. If you have problems with putting a stop to something or making decisions then a little bit more ruthlessness may be what you need。
Because at some point you have to make harder decisions and cut out stuff you may not want to. Otherwise you won’t be able to find the time and energy you need. This may mean to skip some social engagements or cutting down on the TV-shows you follow from 10 hours a week to 2 hours a week. Not always fun, but you have to be the boss of your life. You have to make the decisions and say no both to yourself and to others if necessary。
囫囵吞枣或许是某些人的通病吧 ,也包括我自己,我看书的时候也常常一目十行,只是最近我真的受其困扰了,我公布了我的QQ号,意思是大家可以在某些时候邀请我去群里聊天,而不是私聊哦,声明声明:这个博客只是义务的、公益的,平时我是需要工作的,我要生活,所以不能陪大家聊,OK?请体谅俺,老板是俺的衣食父母,俺得遵守老板的规则,很多朋友还是学生可能还不能体会职场人的残酷规则,很多公司都是禁QQ的……所以希望大家能多在博客上互动,可以给俺留言,但不是聊天……liuxuepaper.com