It's important to save water
Of all the things we eat and drink, water is the most important.
We can live without food for some days .but if we don't have water for three or four days, we may die. However, some people still don't realize how important water is in our daily life .They keep throwing rubbish into rivers or lakes.
我们可以完全不依靠食物活好些天,但是离开水三到四天,我们就会死亡。然而,一些人还是没有意识到水在我们日 常生活中的重要程度,他们仍然无止境的将垃圾丢进河流和湖泊。
As a result, many rivers and lakes become so dirty that the water is no longer safe for people to drink. So I think it is to save ourselves to save water.
结果呢,很多河流和湖水变的很脏,以至于目前的水资源已经不适合人类饮用(liuxuepaper Note:对人类的身体健康造成威胁)。所以,我想我们应该为了我们的身体健康,为我们的生存去保护水资源。