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时间:2011-07-09来源:作文地带栏目:原创英语作文作者:雅尼fans 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
雅尼(Yanni),当今世界著名的新世纪音乐作曲家和演奏家;但在他的自传里,他更倾向于称自己的音乐为现代器乐(Contemporary Instrumental)。 雅尼(Yanni),“世界一流的键盘奇才 ”,电子音乐的奠基人之一。

雅尼(Yanni),当今世界著名的新世纪音乐作曲家和演奏家;但在他的自传里,他更倾向于称自己的音乐为现代器乐(Contemporary Instrumental)。

雅尼(Yanni),“世界一流的键盘奇才 ”,电子音乐的奠基人之一。

  He is a an artist ,he is a famous composer, many melodious light music are composed by him.
   His name is Yanni.
   “I like music very much and I like playing .I refused to accept the formal piano exercise. I usually play as I like” said by Yanni.

  Yanni was born in 1954,and his hometown locates in a seaside village--- a very beautiful rural village in Athens. He loves his hometown very much , the inspiration of his many songs come from his love for hometown.
   When he was young ,he used to want to be a psychologist. He received the Psychology bachelor's degree when he graduated from university of Minnesota in USA.

   However, he chose music as his career. May be it is a pity for the Psychology area, it is a fortune for the music area.
   Yanni has held many concerts all around the world .such as Acropolis Concert, Taj Mahal Concert, Forbidden City Concert and so on .He is the first western musician who has personal concert in China. The famous song Nightingale is composed specially for Chinese people. The song Originates in a Chinese legend which tells about an emperor that called Wang Di became a nightingale at last.

  From 1980 to 2006,Yanni has promoted six special editions, about 100 songs have been spreading in the world . Such as With an Orchid ,If I Could Tell You ,Nightingale ,Until the Last Moment, Santorini and so on . The last song has been used in Olympic Games many times.

   他是第一个在中国开音乐会的西方音乐家。著名的乐曲 Nightingale(《夜莺》)是他专门为中国人作的。歌曲来源于中国的一个神话,在这个神话中,一个叫望帝的皇帝最后变成了夜莺。

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