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时间:2009-12-30来源:英语作文网栏目:原创英语作文作者:英语作文 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
中外文化交流 Evolution Of Green China During the past two years, all roads have been leading to Copenha-gen and the crucial UN climate convention meeting. That is part of the reason for the efforts China has made towardcurbing greenhouse gas emissio

中外文化交流 Evolution Of Green China
During the past two years, all roads have been leading to Copenha-gen and the crucial UN climate convention meeting. That is part of the reason for the efforts China has made towardcurbing greenhouse gas emissions and China Daily's publishing Evolutionof Green China is of tremendous importance. The Chinese media have been working hard to endure the push foraction to combat climate change, and to preserve and improve the en-vironment. Media, such as China Daily, work to ensure these goals areadvanced by society at all levels, from that of ordinary people to those ofnational and international leadership. We are all greatly indebted to theirtireless work —— work such as that which has been collected in this enlight-ening collection of China Daily's comprehensive environmental reports.

This conference will either prove to be a dead end, a delay, a detour or a gear-changing moment in human affairs.
At stake is perhaps the most important international treaty sinceWorld War II —— one that can put more than 190 nations on a low-car-bon, resource-efficient Green Economy path that is necessary if the worldis to thrive, let alone survive, over the coming decades and century. Someare already writing off Copenhagen, but this is decidedly premature.
The last two years has witnessed an explosion in the number of cre-ative and cost-effective options that, if pursued in whole or in part bygovernments, can make it possible to seal a scientifically credible deal.
Many economies have actively embraced environmental investmentsnot as a burden, but rather as a key path for job creation and recoveryin the face of the worst economic crisis in a generation.
Days before the G20 met in Pittsburgh, the UNEP and other parties,including HSBC, published an assessment as part of our Global GreenNew Deal initiative. It spotlighted the green components of nationalstimulus packages, ranging from accelerated funding for renewables tosmart grids and rapid rails. Among the seven countries studied in detail,the Republic of Korea's green component represents 79 percent of itsoverall planned stimulus. China's is 34 percent. Copenhagen offers an opportunity to accelerate these kinds of in-vestments. So it could be said to represent the biggest stimulus packageof them all.

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