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英语作文women's day妇女节

时间:2010-03-09来源:英语作文网栏目:原创英语作文作者:英语作文 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
On Women's Day Tomorrow is March 8th. It is Women's Day, so I want to give my mother a surprise. First I am going to the supermarket and buy something , such as vegetables , fruits and some beautiful flowers. Then I will come back home to clean the

On Women's Day

      Tomorrow is March 8th. It is Women's Day, so I want to give my mother a surprise. First I am going to the supermarket and buy something , such as vegetables , fruits and some beautiful flowers. Then I will come back home to clean the house and do some cooking. When Mum comes back from work, she will be really excited. She will say that I am a nice boy and have grown up. I will be happy, too. I think I'll help my mother more in the future.
作文地带评价:这是七年级英语外研版小学起点下Modules 3-4的语法要求,作者能正确运用一般将来进行描述;文笔流畅,语言精练,有真情实感;用词准确,没有语法错误,是篇相当不错的小学生佳作。


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