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时间:2010-03-21来源:英语作文网栏目:原创英语作文作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
英语作文 带 翻译 30篇#e# 21. I have always wanted to be happy, it is also the most important thing in my life. My friends always bring happiness to me and I always feel that hapiness is for everyone.
I have always wanted to be happy, it is also the most important thing in my life. My friends always bring happiness to me and I always feel that hapiness is for everyone. People always have a happiness in their life and I think that they always have it even though they don't show it. Happiness is the best thing i can think of.


22.Riding bike isn't my favourite thing to do, but i think it helps our body and gives us more training. I remember i used to ride bike and then lost interest in it. I wish i was great in it and can do it again, but that was only the past. I usually see lots of people riding bike and they enjoy every moment of it.


23、at is happiness?It may to hard to find the answer.But it's like a little lovely dog that when we feel lonely it can provide us warmth and make us confortable.

幸福是什么?这或许很难找到答案,但它就像一只可爱的小狗,在我们寂寞的时候,能给我们温暖,让我们舒心。24、 spend a lot of time think about our life by taking ocial practice,suffering,and gaining,then I understand that the conciusion comes when life comes to an end.


