"Time demon" is a term that refers to the concept of time being a malevolent force that consumes and destroys everything in its path. The phrase is not commonly used in English and does not appear to have a specific origin. It is possible that the term is derived from the idea of time as an unstoppable and unforgiving force, similar to how demons are often portrayed as malevolent supernatural entities in various cultures.Here are a few example sentences using the phrase "time demon" in English:
"The time demon never rests, always moving forward and consuming everything in its wake." (这个时光恶魔从不休息,总是向前走,消耗一切。)
"As I grow older, I feel the weight of the time demon on my shoulders, dragging me inexorably toward my eventual demise." (随着年龄的增长,我感觉到时光恶魔的重压在我的肩膀上,将我不可避免地拖向最终的毁灭。)
"The time demon seems to be accelerating, swallowing up the years and leaving me with less and less time to accomplish my goals." (时光恶魔似乎在加速,吞噬着岁月,留给我越来越少的时间来实现我的目标。)

