Comeback man
重生(陈继龙 编译)
Oct 12th 2006
From The Economist print edition
THE true critic, Vladimir Nabokov onceo_______①,reads not with his brain but with his backbone. He waits for the “tell-tale tingle down the spine” which alerts him to good writing. After more than a decade messing about writing some fine essays and autobiography mixed in with poor fiction and some questionable history, (1)Martin Amis has suddenly—and unexpectedly, even to his publishers—turned in a work of real worth, a novel that not so much makes the spine tingle as the heart race at its passion and richness.
The enemies of the people whom the Soviet authorities sent to camps in thegulag[1]were, on rare occasions, permittedconjugal[2]visits. (2)Valiant women would travel huge distances, the jacket sleeve says, sometimes for weeks or even months, in the hope of spending a night à deux[3] in the House of Meetings.Written as a deathbed letter to a well-fed daughter now living in the West, “House of Meetings” tells the tale—and tragic consequences—of one suche________②.
The camp is situated just north of the 69thparallel[5],inside theA______③circle. As Zoya makes the journey from Moscow, it is the narrator's job to prepare the House of Meetings for Lev and his bride. They had been married for eight years, but this would be their first night together as man and wife. The narrator offers them a thermos of vodka, two candles and six cigarettes (“rolled out of the state newspaper”). (3)The triangular romance, however, is but a come-hither[6] to the novel's weightier themes, which are all about rust, ruin and decay—all metaphors for ageing.
集中营位于北纬69度正北方、北极圈以内。卓娅从莫斯科启程后,“我”(故事是第一人称写的,下同)开始为列弗与其新娘张罗“见面屋”。他们结婚八年,但这将是他们以丈夫和妻子的身份住在一起的第一夜。“我”为他们准备了一暖瓶的伏特加、两支蜡烛和六根雪茄(“用报纸卷成的”)。然而,这段三角恋情的描写无非是为了将读者引向这部小说那些更为沉重的主题,如锈蚀、废墟以及腐朽,一切都隐喻着年华的逝去。The compulsive vividness of Mr Amis's style may have annoyed his father, but he puts it to good use here. Lev'sf_______④seem to have been “thrown together inattentively, as if in the dark. Even his ears seemed to belong to two completely different people.” A smoker, he eats with a cigarette in the hand that holds the knife: “When he went to stub it out, the movement was but a step on the road to lighting another.” There is little romance in the book. The sex, when it appears, comes as a shock. (4)Mr Amis uses it to explore how people are not strengthened by adversity but warped[7], crushed and then killed, even as they still walk the streets.
(5)“House of Meetings” is a singular, unimpeachable triumph, as powerful as J.M. Coetzee's “Disgrace” and the small list of novels that have unanimously carried off[8] the Man Booker prize for fiction.In the week that a divided jury awarded the 2006 prize to Kiran Desai's “The Inheritance of Loss”, what is astonishing is that Mr Amis's publishers did not evens________⑤his book for consideration.
《见面屋》一书的成功卓尔不群且无懈可击,其强大的感染力一如J.M. Coetzee的《耻辱》以及少数赢得评委一致赞许并捧走布克小说奖的作品。本次评奖周期间,意见相左的评委们最终把2006年布克奖授予了基兰-德赛的《遗失之继承》。奇怪的是,埃米斯的出版商甚至都未将他的著作送审。
1. 根据上下文和英文释义,补全单词:
①o_______( say or write what you have noticed about a situation)
②e_______( occasion when you meet someone, or do something with someone you do not know)
③A________(adj.relating to the most northern part of the world)
④f________(n.a part of someone's face, such as their eyes, nose etc)
⑤s________( give a plan, piece of writing etc to someone in authority for them to consider or approve)
2. 英译汉(将划线部分英文翻译成中文):
1. gulag n.【俄】古拉格(集中营)
2. conjugal adj.夫妻间的
3. à deux adv.【法】两人一起
4. pogrom n.(尤指沙俄时对犹太人的) 大屠杀
5. parallel n.纬度,纬线
6. come-hither n.挑逗,诱惑(come-hither look秋波)
7.warp v.歪曲,使有偏见
8. carry off获得,赢得;成功对付[KEY TO QUIZ]
1. ①observed 说,评述
②encounter 遭遇,相遇
③Arctic 北极的
④features 面貌特征
⑤submit 提交,递交