《参考消息》2006年7月30日第8版:印度重视知识产权保护【美国《耶鲁全球化》在线杂志7月25日一期文章】题:印度的秘密武器India's Secret Weapon
Richard Wilder
Pravid Anand
The Wall Street Journal, 25 May 2006
India is rapidly evolving into Asia's innovation center, leaving China in the dust. Its secret weapon? Intellectual property-rights protection. In recent years, New Delhi has taken big steps to protect these rights, and the results have been d_______①. (1)It may appear as if India's recent economic rise is solely due to its low-cost outsourcing[1] opportunities for foreign businesses. But this is only part of the story.
Thanks to international treaties such as the AGREement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) of the World Trade Organization, Indian IP laws were significantly revamped[2] starting in the mid-1990s. (2)In 1994, the Indian Copyright Act was amended to clearly explain the rights of a copyright holder and the penalties for infringement of copyrighted software. The law has been called one of the "t_______② in the world."
These changes, which significantly ramped up[3] enforcement provisions, will undoubtedly prove the most important for copyright protection on the subcontinent – far ahead of other countries in Asia.(A)________________________(印度的法院也迎难而上。)They have taken a broad approach to the applying new laws – especially to protect intellectual property in e________③ fields such as information technology.
(3)This trend continued last year when India put in place a new patent law that brought it further into line with international norms. For example, this law included new provisions that extended patent protection to computer software and pharmaceutical products. The changes provided new and powerful incentives for investment, both foreign and domestic, in the creation of new products in those fields. New Delhi has also improved the operation of its Patent Office, which handles patent applications. Today, a patent can be g________④ in less than three years, as opposed to only a few years ago, where it took up to an average of five to seven years.
As a result, copyright-based industries such as the Indian IT sector have enjoyed rapid growth.(B)____________________________, (1999-2002年,印度软件出口年均增长48%)marking a drastic surge from the preceding five years, when the average annual growth was about 35%. If New Delhi keeps up its c________⑤ to rights protection, the numbers will continue to grow.
Furthermore, Indian entrepreneurs, business and government labs are f_______⑥ for patents at rapidly increasing rates. The number of Indian patent applications filed has increased 400% over the past 15 years. Nearly 800 Indian companies submitted international patent applications to the World Intellectual Property Organization in 2004. This number may be fairly small by international standards, but is still more than double the number of Indian patents applied for in 2000. (4)Now, even the local pharmaceutical companies, traditionally manufacturers of generic versions of brand-name drugs, are embracing innovation-based business models and seeking patent protection for their inventions.
[1]outsourcing n. 外部采办;外包;外购
[2]revamp v. 修补;翻新
[3]ramp up 蔓延;狂跳乱撞
①the results have been d_______(效果也很显著)(形容词)
②one of the "t_______ in the world."(“世界上最严厉的版权法”之一)(形容词最高级)
③in e________ fields such as information technology(在信息技术等新兴领域内)(现在分词)
④a patent can be g________ in less than three years(审批一项专利需要不到3年时间)(过去分词)
⑤keeps up its c________ to rights protection(坚持履行保护知识产权的责任)(名词)
⑥Indian entrepreneurs, business and government labs are f_______ for patents at rapidly increasing rates(印度的工商企业和政府实验室正在以惊人的速度申报专利)(现在分词)
⑦A protected list of "e________" cultural traditions(一份“濒危”文化传统清单)
①dramatic ②toughest ③emerging ④granted ⑤commitment ⑥filing ⑦endangered
参考译文: (A)The Indian courts have risen to the challenge.
(B)The annual average rate of growth of Indian software exports from 1994 to 2002 was 48%(是不是您的翻译与原文相去甚远?这不奇怪,同一意思表达方式成千上万,只要您愿意尝试学习作者的用法,您就达到学习的目的了。)
【美国《耶鲁全球化》在线杂志7月25日一期文章】题:印度的秘密武器 作者理查德-瓦尔德普拉夫迪-阿南德
Richard Wilder
Pravid Anand
The Wall Street Journal, 25 May 2006
India is rapidly evolving into Asia's innovation center, leaving China in the dust. Its secret weapon? Intellectual property-rights protection. In recent years, New Delhi has taken big steps to protect these rights, and the results have been d_______①. (1)It may appear as if India's recent economic rise is solely due to its low-cost outsourcing[1] opportunities for foreign businesses. But this is only part of the story.
Thanks to international treaties such as the AGREement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) of the World Trade Organization, Indian IP laws were significantly revamped[2] starting in the mid-1990s. (2)In 1994, the Indian Copyright Act was amended to clearly explain the rights of a copyright holder and the penalties for infringement of copyrighted software. The law has been called one of the "t_______② in the world."
These changes, which significantly ramped up[3] enforcement provisions, will undoubtedly prove the most important for copyright protection on the subcontinent – far ahead of other countries in Asia.(A)________________________(印度的法院也迎难而上。)They have taken a broad approach to the applying new laws – especially to protect intellectual property in e________③ fields such as information technology.
(3)This trend continued last year when India put in place a new patent law that brought it further into line with international norms. For example, this law included new provisions that extended patent protection to computer software and pharmaceutical products. The changes provided new and powerful incentives for investment, both foreign and domestic, in the creation of new products in those fields. New Delhi has also improved the operation of its Patent Office, which handles patent applications. Today, a patent can be g________④ in less than three years, as opposed to only a few years ago, where it took up to an average of five to seven years.
As a result, copyright-based industries such as the Indian IT sector have enjoyed rapid growth.(B)____________________________, (1999-2002年,印度软件出口年均增长48%)marking a drastic surge from the preceding five years, when the average annual growth was about 35%. If New Delhi keeps up its c________⑤ to rights protection, the numbers will continue to grow.
Furthermore, Indian entrepreneurs, business and government labs are f_______⑥ for patents at rapidly increasing rates. The number of Indian patent applications filed has increased 400% over the past 15 years. Nearly 800 Indian companies submitted international patent applications to the World Intellectual Property Organization in 2004. This number may be fairly small by international standards, but is still more than double the number of Indian patents applied for in 2000. (4)Now, even the local pharmaceutical companies, traditionally manufacturers of generic versions of brand-name drugs, are embracing innovation-based business models and seeking patent protection for their inventions.
[1]outsourcing n. 外部采办;外包;外购
[2]revamp v. 修补;翻新
[3]ramp up 蔓延;狂跳乱撞
①the results have been d_______(效果也很显著)(形容词)
②one of the "t_______ in the world."(“世界上最严厉的版权法”之一)(形容词最高级)
③in e________ fields such as information technology(在信息技术等新兴领域内)(现在分词)
④a patent can be g________ in less than three years(审批一项专利需要不到3年时间)(过去分词)
⑤keeps up its c________ to rights protection(坚持履行保护知识产权的责任)(名词)
⑥Indian entrepreneurs, business and government labs are f_______ for patents at rapidly increasing rates(印度的工商企业和政府实验室正在以惊人的速度申报专利)(现在分词)
⑦A protected list of "e________" cultural traditions(一份“濒危”文化传统清单)
①dramatic ②toughest ③emerging ④granted ⑤commitment ⑥filing ⑦endangered
参考译文: (A)The Indian courts have risen to the challenge.
(B)The annual average rate of growth of Indian software exports from 1994 to 2002 was 48%(是不是您的翻译与原文相去甚远?这不奇怪,同一意思表达方式成千上万,只要您愿意尝试学习作者的用法,您就达到学习的目的了。)
【美国《耶鲁全球化》在线杂志7月25日一期文章】题:印度的秘密武器 作者理查德-瓦尔德普拉夫迪-阿南德

