New Scientist
ARE you tempted to trade in your mobile phone every time a new model comes out, upgrade your laptop every year orpart-exchange[1]your car as soon as the shine wears off? If so, you could be suffering from neophilia:l_______①,the love of the new.(1)"Suffering" is a bit of a stretch, since most of us are neophiliacs to some deGREe.It is the curse of ourconsumerist[2]culture or a blessing if you're a manufacturer or advertiser.
But is it doing any real harm? Actually, yes._______________________________. (美国和其它发达国家面临着日益严重的有害废弃物问题,其根源正是“喜新厌旧”[neophilia])More than 100 million mobile phones were discarded in the US last year, along with tens of millions of computers. It's a similar story for electronic games, monitors, televisions and other IT products. Many of these are made oft_______②materials containing heavy metals such as lead, zinc, chromium, cadmium and mercury.
(2)What's more, our enthusiasm for new products is encouraging what the writer Giles Slade calls "planned obsolescence[3]" the tendency of manufacturers to artificially limit the useful lifespan of their products so consumers will soon have to replace them.
Who exactly qualifies as a neophiliac? Colin Campbell, a sociologist at the University of York, UK, and one of the first to look into the phenomenon, defines three types. The first, known as "pristinians", have an almostp_______③desire for things that arepristine[4]and fresh. (3)They replace furniture, clothes, even the living-room carpet at the first sign of wear, often with identical models.The second group are the "trailblazing consumers" who seek cutting-edge innovations and technologies, a demographic comprised mostly of young men. The third and most common type are the victims of fashion, thefickle[5]consumers whos_______④to the lure of advertising.
Is anyone immune? People who are middle-aged or older are far less likely to have neophilia. Robert McCrae of the US National Institute on Aging and other researchers have shown that people become morer_______⑤to novelty as they grow older. The primatologist Robert Sapolsky estimates that most people's "window of receptivity" closes for fashion novelties by age 23, new music genres by age 35 and new foods by 39. This is not just a human trait: old animals are not receptive to new foods either. As they say, you can't teach an old dog newt______⑥.
This suggests a strong biological influence in a person's desire for novelty. Some people may be genetically more disposed to neophilia than others: a recent study by psychiatrists at the Yamagata University School of Medicine in Japan suggests that differences in people's enthusiasm for novelty depends partly on variations in the gene for monoamine oxidase A (Psychiatric Genetics, vol 16, p 55). Think about that next time youg_______⑦through the window of a mobile phone store.
[1]part-exchange n.部分抵价以旧换新
[2]consumerist n.消费者至上主义者
[3]obsolescence n.荒废,过时
[4]pristine adj..新鲜的;清洁的;质朴的
[5]fickle adj.感情不专的;易变的
①l_______, the love of the new(从字面上说,就是对新事物的狂热)
②Many of these are made of t_______ materials(其中许多产品都是用有毒材料制成的)
③have an almost p_______ desire for things(对事物有着近乎病态的渴望)
④s_______ to the lure of advertising(屈服于广告的诱惑)
⑤more r_______ to novelty(对新事物的抗拒心增强)
⑥you can't teach an old dog new t______(你无法教一只上了年纪的狗玩新把戏)
⑦g_______ through the window of a mobile phone store(凝视手机店的橱窗)
①literally ②toxic ③pathological ④原文为succumb,但surrender应当亦可 ⑤resistant ⑥tricks ⑦gaze
Neophilia is at the root of the growing problem of hazardous waste in the US and other developed countries
New Scientist
ARE you tempted to trade in your mobile phone every time a new model comes out, upgrade your laptop every year orpart-exchange[1]your car as soon as the shine wears off? If so, you could be suffering from neophilia:l_______①,the love of the new.(1)"Suffering" is a bit of a stretch, since most of us are neophiliacs to some deGREe.It is the curse of ourconsumerist[2]culture or a blessing if you're a manufacturer or advertiser.
But is it doing any real harm? Actually, yes._______________________________. (美国和其它发达国家面临着日益严重的有害废弃物问题,其根源正是“喜新厌旧”[neophilia])More than 100 million mobile phones were discarded in the US last year, along with tens of millions of computers. It's a similar story for electronic games, monitors, televisions and other IT products. Many of these are made oft_______②materials containing heavy metals such as lead, zinc, chromium, cadmium and mercury.
(2)What's more, our enthusiasm for new products is encouraging what the writer Giles Slade calls "planned obsolescence[3]" the tendency of manufacturers to artificially limit the useful lifespan of their products so consumers will soon have to replace them.
Who exactly qualifies as a neophiliac? Colin Campbell, a sociologist at the University of York, UK, and one of the first to look into the phenomenon, defines three types. The first, known as "pristinians", have an almostp_______③desire for things that arepristine[4]and fresh. (3)They replace furniture, clothes, even the living-room carpet at the first sign of wear, often with identical models.The second group are the "trailblazing consumers" who seek cutting-edge innovations and technologies, a demographic comprised mostly of young men. The third and most common type are the victims of fashion, thefickle[5]consumers whos_______④to the lure of advertising.
Is anyone immune? People who are middle-aged or older are far less likely to have neophilia. Robert McCrae of the US National Institute on Aging and other researchers have shown that people become morer_______⑤to novelty as they grow older. The primatologist Robert Sapolsky estimates that most people's "window of receptivity" closes for fashion novelties by age 23, new music genres by age 35 and new foods by 39. This is not just a human trait: old animals are not receptive to new foods either. As they say, you can't teach an old dog newt______⑥.
This suggests a strong biological influence in a person's desire for novelty. Some people may be genetically more disposed to neophilia than others: a recent study by psychiatrists at the Yamagata University School of Medicine in Japan suggests that differences in people's enthusiasm for novelty depends partly on variations in the gene for monoamine oxidase A (Psychiatric Genetics, vol 16, p 55). Think about that next time youg_______⑦through the window of a mobile phone store.
[1]part-exchange n.部分抵价以旧换新
[2]consumerist n.消费者至上主义者
[3]obsolescence n.荒废,过时
[4]pristine adj..新鲜的;清洁的;质朴的
[5]fickle adj.感情不专的;易变的
①l_______, the love of the new(从字面上说,就是对新事物的狂热)
②Many of these are made of t_______ materials(其中许多产品都是用有毒材料制成的)
③have an almost p_______ desire for things(对事物有着近乎病态的渴望)
④s_______ to the lure of advertising(屈服于广告的诱惑)
⑤more r_______ to novelty(对新事物的抗拒心增强)
⑥you can't teach an old dog new t______(你无法教一只上了年纪的狗玩新把戏)
⑦g_______ through the window of a mobile phone store(凝视手机店的橱窗)
①literally ②toxic ③pathological ④原文为succumb,但surrender应当亦可 ⑤resistant ⑥tricks ⑦gaze
Neophilia is at the root of the growing problem of hazardous waste in the US and other developed countries

