pull the strings/string sb along

手机访问:pull the strings/string sb along

pull the strings

string sb along

hold the purse strings

second string

今天我们要讲几个包括string这个词的习惯用语。String是线或者绳子、带子。我们要学的第一个习惯用语是: pull the strings。各位一定看过木偶戏吧? 大家知道台上木偶栩栩如生的表演靠的是藏在幕后的真演员;是他们牵动观众看不见绳子操纵木偶按照他们的意图举手投足来演戏。Pull the Strings这个习惯用语出典也许就在这儿。当然它的含义和使用范围已经大大超越木偶戏。让我们听个例子来体会它的意思吧。

例句-1:At first, they said I wasn't qualified for the job. However, after my rich uncle who owns stock in the company called there and pulled the strings, I was hired right away.


可见pull the strings意思是利用影响力或权势,导致合乎心意的后果,而且往往还是在暗中操纵局面的。


我们来学下一个习惯用语: string someone along。在这个习惯用语里string是动词,意思是用绳子拴起来。这个习惯用语可能来自农场,人们有时把一群牲口用绳子拴在一起排成一行,让它们乖乖地一致行动听你摆布跟你走。当这个习惯用语转用到生活其它方面的时候表示什么意思呢? 让我们来听一段话来琢磨它的意思吧。这是一个人在说自己买旧车的遭遇。

例句-2:The salesman assured me that the used car I was buying was in perfect condition. But, on the way home, the car broke down. That man was stringing me along.


可见string sb. along意思就是欺哄人,给人上圈套。

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我们要学的下一个习惯用语是: hold the purse strings。Purse是钱包,大约在十五世纪的时候人们通常用布料做成的小口袋装钱币,拉紧袋口的绳子,袋口会合拢,里面的钱就保存得好好的,不往外掉。今天人们都改用皮夹来放钞票,但是hold the purse strings这个习惯用语却沿用至今。让我们听一个例子来体会它的意思。这是一个十多岁的男孩在抱怨他的吝啬的父亲。

例句-3:I can't buy anything without my father's approval. He's the one who holds the purse strings in the family and he's very stingy. I think it's time for me to get a job.


所以hold the purse strings解释掌握金钱财务。


我们再学一个习惯用语: second string。 String这个词也解释提琴的弦线。Second string原来指备用的弦线。要是第一根弦线断了可以用来替换。但是现在second string常用在运动方面。Second string player是后备队员,往往也是技术略次一等的运动员。我们来听个例子。说话的人在抱怨他最喜爱的篮球队洛杉矶湖人队在这个比赛季节中的表现不佳。湖人队是The Lakers。

例句-4:The Lakers have been forced to use second-string players ever since their stars were hurt early in the season. The team has hardly won a game since.



本文地址: http://www.liuxuepaper.com/yhfy/131498.html

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