"Doraemon" is the English title for the popular Japanese manga and anime series of the same name. The series, which was created by Fujiko F. Fujio, first debuted in Japan in December 1969 and has since become a cultural phenomenon in the country. The story is about a robotic cat named Doraemon who travels back in time from the 22nd century to help a young boy named Nobita Nobi through his daily struggles.Here are some English examples of sentences with "Doraemon" in context:
"I love watching episodes of Doraemon on TV."
"Doraemon is one of the most beloved anime characters in Japan."
"The Doraemon franchise has been around for over 50 years."
In Chinese, "Doraemon" is translated as "哆啦A梦" (duō lā A mèng) .