齐人有东郭敬者,犹多愿,愿有万金。其徒请赒焉,不与,曰:“吾将以求封也” 。其徒怒而去之宋,曰:“此爱于无也,故不如以先与之有也。”
Ten Thousand Taels of Gold
In the state of Qi there was one Mr. Dongguo Chang who was a man ambitions. Among other things, he wanted to possess ten thousand tales of gold.
A student of his, knowing of this ambition, asked to be favoured with a small sum, for he was very poor.
Mr. Dongguo Chang refused to grant his request. "I need all my money to buy myself a post in the government," he said.
His student became angry and left for the state of Song. Before he went he said to the teacher, "Since I shall have no share in the fortunes that you are coveting, I'd better seek them elsewhere. Maybe I can come by them earlier than you do."
Shang Zi
