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时间:2010-08-14来源:妙语如珠栏目:语言文化作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
一个领导者应该把眼睛盯住前方,把握现在,思考未来。 As a leader, his eyes should be on the way ahead, his energy should be focused on the present and at the same time and he should be thinking of the future。 天变不足畏,祖宗不足法,人言不足恤。 One should not fear changes under

  As a leader, his eyes should be on the way ahead, his energy should be focused on the present and at the same time and he should be thinking of the future。

  One should not fear changes under the heaven and one should not blindly follow old conventions and one should not be deterred by complaints of others.

  苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之。 (温总理五年前立下的誓言)
  One should uphold his country’s interest with his life, he should not do things just to pursue his personal gains and he should not be evade responsibilities for fear of personal loss。

  If China can have a level of credibility and integrity that is more precious than gold, if China can be more receptive and inclusive than the ocean, if China can have fraternity rather than love for oneself, and if China can have an ethical standard higher than the mountains, I believe this country will have the moral strength and also will become a country with advanced cultural development。

  What people are concerned about preoccupies my mind, and what preoccupies people’s mind is what I need to address。

  To ensure this country to become stronger and more prosperous, to build a society of equity and justice, to ensure the people live a happy life, our children can go to school and our nation is duly respected in the international community, I'm willing to dedicate myself wholeheartedly to this cause。

  Claim of China’s "cultural genocide" in Tibet nothing but lie。

  use people's money to serve people's needs

  I have confidence that the smiles of 1.3 billion people in front of the world will be reciprocated by the smiles of the people from all over the world。

  Although Zhou was an ancient state, it had a reform mission; only innovation could ensure the growth and vitality of a nation。
