通常对啤酒的定义是a fermented alcoholic beverage brewed from malt and flavored with hops. 其中就包括了几个非常核心的词,比如啤酒花hops,麦芽malt,发酵ferment.
啤酒杯 mug
虽然我们平时喝啤酒还是用普通玻璃杯glass为多,不过能有个柄给你拿着,举起来似乎更有感觉,那样的杯子叫做mug,a heavy cylindrical drinking cup usually having a handle. 那个满杯的时候举杯需要点力气的,当心别洒了。
keg/cask/barrel 木桶,酒桶
啤酒肚 beer belly
对,就这么说。官方定义是a protruding abdomen, especially as the result of habitual beer drinking. 个人看到protruding,稍作联想,笑,忍住,忍不住…
啤酒节 beer festival
关于啤酒的作用,除了营养价值之外,很多时候被称为social lubricant 社交润滑剂,陌生人相遇,彼此手里都端着啤酒杯,似乎更容易亲近,这个道理和邻居牵着宠物狗下午溜达,每次都会与其他牵着狗或不牵狗但对狗感兴趣的人攀谈几句,于是人和人亲近,狗与狗亲近(或撕咬),各得其所。
New warnings have been added to labels, warning of impaired driving, hazards to pregnant women, and other health ailments associated with alcohol consumption. Reduced tolerance for drunk driving, for example, encouraged many brewing companies to advocate responsible consumption. As a result, certain states have established laws to control the alcoholic content of beer for sale within their jurisdiction. The beer industry will continue to contend with these large social issues.
赵传的《我很丑,可是我很温柔》,里面有句歌词,“我很丑,可是我有音乐和啤酒”,属于典型的solitude: the glory of being alone.
力波 Reeb(将Beer字母倒置…)
百威 Budweiser
Because U Deserve What Every Individual Should Enjoy Regularly的首字母缩写,属于acronym.
喜力 Heineken
与荷兰人交谈,需要知道一些最著名的品牌,比如Heineken, Philips等。Heineken译为“喜力”,个人估计又和粤语中的“喜力”的发音更接近于Heineken有关,不知是否正确。
青岛 Tsingtao:与清华大学一样,保留了Tsing这样的本质上带有老式英语甚至“殖民时期英语”色彩的单词。
三得利 Suntory:日本品牌,个人觉得相对清淡,夏天的时候特别火。
世好 Steinlager, 虎牌 Tiger…