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想记性好 放下你的零食吧

时间:2010-08-10来源:作文地带栏目:语言文化作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
Eat Less, Remember More You may have noticed that as you get older, you start forgetting more stuff: like, where you left your glasses, or the names of your children. Well, if you’re fed up with those senior moments, put down that pastrami sandwich. Becau

  Eat Less, Remember More

  You may have noticed that as you get older, you start forgetting more stuff: like, where you left your glasses, or the names of your children. Well, if you’re fed up with those senior moments, put down that pastrami sandwich. Because a new study, published in the January 27th issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, shows that cutting calories actually improves memory in older folks.

  Calorie restriction lets lab animals live longer. And these hungry critters tend to be healthier, too: with lower cholesterol, better insulin sensitivity, and even slower cognitive decline. But these diets can be draconian. And it hasn’t been clear whether they’d offer the same benefits to people.

  In this study, scientists asked 50 elderly women to cut the number of calories they consumed by a third. After three months, the researchers found that the dieters were not only slimmer, but they were better than they had been at memorizing lists of words. They also had better insulin levels and fewer markers of inflammation, which suggests that keeping those things under control may help keep the brain fit. It’s one of the cruel ironies of aging: if you want to remember your favorite restaurants, the less you should eat at them.

  你可能注意到随着你年龄的增大,你开始忘记更多的东西:比如,你忘记了你把眼镜放哪儿了,或者忘记了你的孩子们的姓名。如果你觉得你受够了这些老年问题,那么就放下五香熏牛肉吧。因为发表在1月 27日的《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)上的一项新研究表明,减少食物热量的摄入实际上能提高老年朋友的记忆力。




  Pastrami: 五香熏牛肉
  Calorie: 卡路里(热量单位)
  Critter: 动物
  Cholesterol: 胆固醇
  Insulin: 胰岛素
  Cognitive: 认知的
  Decline: 下降
  Draconian: 严格的
  Benefit: 好处;利益
  Inflammation: 发炎
  Irony: 讽刺

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