刘翔 , 作为前奥运会110米栏冠军,世界纪录保持者,因伤退赛留下遗憾,尽管如此,刘翔克服重重压力,重新复出,夺得2010年全运会冠军。请根据作文地带提供下面的介绍写一篇短文。
姓名:Liu Xiang
项目:the men’s 110 meters hurdles
2006 年,在the super grand prix meeting in Lausanne中以12秒88打破世界纪录。
拼搏; 坚定的信念; 。
Liu Xiang, born on July 13, 1983 in Shanghai, is a well-known athlete in track and field in China.
Liu Xiang won the men’s 110 meters hurdle final and got gold medal in the Athens 2004 Olympic Games in August, 2004. Therefore, he became the first Chinese man to win an Olympic track and field title. He set a world record of 12.88 seconds in the men’s 110 meters hurdles at a super grand prix meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland in 2006 from liuxuepaper.com.
Liu Xiang has returned as a king and got the champion of national spots meeting in 2009, October. He overcame the pressure and the pain of be hurt. His determined spirit helps him stand again. It is not easy to have it. To do this, we must establish a firm faith in our actions and be ready to devote ourselves to them. Around us, there are quite a few people with this intense determination and spirit and Liu Xiang sets a good example for us to follow.