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1.How to make friends

时间:2010-11-04来源:liuxuepaper.COM栏目:中考英语作文作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
中考英语作文范文:1.How to make friends
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文章细节:作文地带 首次发表时间:2010-11-04

  It’s hard to make friends if you stay alone all the time. It’s easier to make friends when you have similar interests.

  Don’r be afraid to show people what you are really good at. Talk about the things you like and do best.

  Look at people in the eyes when you talk to them.

  Be a good listner. Let people talk about themselves before talking about yourself.

  Be friendly to a lot of people. Try to help your friends when they are in trouble because a friend in need is a friend indeed. That way you’ll have a bigger group to choose from and have more chances to make friends.


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