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作文地带-有翻译的英语作文网 数十人的翻译团队,提供有原创翻译的英语作文,作文地带是您英语学习的好帮手!英语作文网


时间:2010-08-09来源:英语学习频道栏目:中学英语作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
1. What he bought for your birthday is a dictionary. 2. Put the magazine where it was,Tom. 3. After living in Paris for fifty years,he returned to the small town where he grew up as a child. 4. The

  1. What he bought for your birthday is a dictionary. 

  2. Put the magazine where it was,Tom.


  3. After living in Paris for fifty years,he returned to the small town where he grew up as a child. 

  4. There is not much difference between the two. 

  5. Alice has to finish her work now,doesn’t she?


  6.I have not decided what to write about.


  7. Think hard,and you will work out the math problem. 

  8. It is not easy to walk against a strong wind.


  9. Why don’t you try writing a funny poem? 

  10. We should keep our classroom clean and tidy every day.


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