关键字:作文 发行日期:2010-11-22 04:54:00
Hi everybody, I'm ZengXin. GuiZhou is my home. I was born and rised here. It's a beautiful and moden province. You are welcome to visit my anytime. I'd be glad to show you around the town. I'm looking forward to studying with you and becom...
关键字:作文 发行日期:2010-11-21 14:26:00
小七这两天心情不太好,搞笑的文章写不起来,今天又是第一次哭,为了纪念这个第一次,写点东西。至于文章有些地方写的模糊不清,大家就去遐想吧。 冬天了,小七家这边下了大雪,听说还上了中央电视台。小七随笔就是从这写起。 今天又下了雪,早晨我来到一片...