关键字:作文 发行日期:2010-11-08 13:04:00
他们以为我是孤单的,没人读懂我心中的明媚 题记我执着与黑夜的静谧,因为里面有纯澈的气息;我执着于天空的干净,因为里面有安宁的味道;我执着于一切悲剧或喜剧,因为里面有青春的影子。他们因为我的沉默判定我是孤单的,孰不知我只习惯于如同童话的温柔。...
关键字:作文 发行日期:2010-11-08 13:03:00
天天谈谈之拖堂 以后我每天都会在天天谈谈上面发表文章,大家顶我偶 最近老是又开始拖堂了,别提多心酸,当你看到别人在外面玩的不亦乐乎时,你却在教室备受煎熬,长达45分钟的战斗让我们筋疲力尽,在那少的可怜的5至10分钟内敌人还在不断厮杀,我们看到的是...
关键字:作文 发行日期:2010-11-08 11:49:00
冰上王子公主第六章 我对她是什么感觉?by 水泉冰哲我对他又是什么感觉?by 黎雪凌星此时此刻,躺在各自床上的四位大少爷和大小姐们不约而同地在想着这样的一个问题自从开学典礼他们四人互相见过面后,好像每个人之间都发生了那么点微妙的变化哎呀呀!!不要...
关键字:作文 发行日期:2010-11-08 11:22:00
Three years later, You accompany me exactly three years, And now you're gone, ... Remember, Every time you will wait for me quietly downstairs from school, And I go home together, On the way and I am happy with sorrow, Every day I will sin...
关键字:作文 发行日期:2010-11-08 11:20:00
Once, Together through the day, Together the beaten trace, Together said words, With hair have sworn, Those, all will only memories. That's all. I want to say, A person, can also be very happy. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - written...
关键字:作文 发行日期:2010-11-08 11:18:00
Actually ~ you are not alone, because you have actually I ~ you are not a person, because I will accompany you - signature You will always feel very lonely, because no man accompany you actually ~ you are not a man You always put yourself...