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时间:2010-05-27来源:网络整理栏目:初中生作文作者:bn6fengxiao 作文网收藏:收藏本文
Once there was a tree ... ... She liked a boy. The little boy will be running every day to collect her leaves, the leaves are woven crown, Banqi forest king. Boys will climb the trunk, grabbed the branches swing, eat the apple tree. They w

    Once there was a tree ... ... 

    She liked a boy.

    The little boy will be running every day to collect her leaves, the leaves are woven crown, Banqi forest king. Boys will climb the trunk, grabbed the branches swing, eat the apple tree. They would play hide and seek together, playing tired, the boy in her sleep a shade. Boys especially love this tree ... ...

    So cute, the tree was happy!

    Days passed, the boy grow up. Trees are often well alone.

    One day the boy came under the tree, the tree was: ah, my child, climb up my trunk. Grip swing from my branches and eat apples, play in my shade and be happy.

    I am not a child, I do not climb trees and play, the boy said. I want to buy things play, I want some money. You can give me some money?

    I'm sorry, the tree that I have no money. I only leaves and apples. Child, take my apples to the town to sell. In this way, you will have money, you will be happy.

    So the boy and climbed off her apple, the apple all away.

    The tree was happy.

    The boy never again ... .... The tree was sad.

    One day, the boy returned and the tree was pleased to shake, she said: to ah, child, climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and be happy.

    I am too busy to climb trees. The boy said: "I want a house warm," he said. I want a wife and kids, so I need a house. You can give me a house it?

    I do not have a house, the tree said. Forest is my house, but you can chop off my branches to build a house, so you will be happy.

    So the boy cut her branch to branch away to build a house.

    The tree was happy.

    But the boy never come back, so when the boys come back when the tree was happy, and happiness was almost speechless.

    To ah, the children, she said quietly, over, play ah!

    I am old and sad, play did not move, boy said.

    I want a boat that will take me away from here. You can give me a boat?

    Cut off my trunk to build the boat now! The tree said. So you can sail ... .. you will be happy.

    So the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat, sailed away.

    The tree was happy ... ...

    But not really.

    After a long long time the boy came back again. My Sorry, kids, tree that I do not have anything for you ...

    No more apples for me.


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