Septemble 24, 2012, a important day for my family. At that day, my grandmother which is my mother's mother first came to America. She's name is Cai Yindi, already 76 years old, a traditional Chinese rural woman. She has four daughters, and my mom is the smallest one. She has no sons but 4 grandsons and two granddaughters, and I'm the smallest grandson. She's always very kind and nice to everyone, every time when she get fruits or delicious food the first thing she will think about is not eat those, she will think about who should she share some with. She always tell me that they best way to let food become delicious is share it with each other.
For a year, there were just mom and me live in America as a family, only my dad may come to America like once each season.
But now life is good, there are not just mom and me any more; the room in our house will not empty any more and mom don't have to do that much houseworks any more. We have more mirth; we got one more bed and the house became more clear. All amazing changes just because my grandmother is here living with us now.
We got a big plan——take my grandmother to play, to travel, every where in Los Angles. Today is Septmble 21, my grandmother has been here for almost one mouth, we already took her to San Diego and Universal Studios. And we are planning to take her to many many more places such as Disney Land, San Francisco, Down Town. Maybe we will take her to East of America like New York and Washington D.C.
We are going back to China with her at Christmas which means this time she will stay here for two more mothes and I hope we can have a good time.
