Twenty thousand miles under the sea is the father of science fiction Jules Verne in the book story bizarre twists and turns, breathtaking sea forest, coral kingdom, go to the South Pole, kill octopus group this in line with the narrative of the French biologist Professor Aronnax in the sea travel story.
Both books contain a great deal of science, culture and geology. AYunus reveals his admiration for Captain Nemo‘s talent and knowledge during his voyage. However, in his exquisite story, he also warns people that while using science and technology to benefit mankind, they should also pay attention to preventing the behavior of being used by bad people to jeopardize their own crisis. Put forward to protect seals and whales and other Marine life, condemned the indiscriminate killing and fishing behavior
Twenty thousand miles under the sea gave me a great shock, it took me to an underwater tourism, encountered some thrilling strange things, and some strange fish, more there are some knowledge in the textbook can not learn at school .
