【My English Teacher】
Today, I'd like to tell you an exciting hot wire: I've won the gold medal of Ji Lin province area of the 6th "Sun Star" National Youth English Speaking Competition! This is another leap of my English learning.
At the preschool time, I thought English letters were rough and tumble symbols, often read them in laughing and joking attitude; After I went to primary school, I knew English was a communication tool and was very important to my study and development; Now, my English learning has been advancing rapidly, I feel easy to learn it!
Having made so much progress, I want to thank dear Mr. Dengyunze, my English teacher!
In the spring of 2012, before meeting Mr. Deng, mom told me he was an expert in English, published an English work called "Authentic English". Ah, he must be a very serious teacher!
Meeting at the first time, Mr. Deng asked me with smile: "What's your English name?," I said: "Jed", because of the distance, Mr. Deng thought it "Jack", then he smiled and said "when on board, you meet someone called Jack, and say 'Hi Jack', consequently all the passengers would surrender, for 'hijack' is '劫机' in Chinese!" all at once I felt relaxed, Mr. Deng Was so humourous and erudite, spoke out the fun casually with a word!
Since that class, I became a disciple of Mr. Deng's, I hope I can be his pride, so work more diligently!
Mr. Deng teaches every class seriously, lets us feel the charm of English gradually. Let me tell you one by one:
The text of One breath English is so short, with only twenty words, and often expanded into sixty or seventy words by Mr. Deng, we can easily know many words without reciting, so that we gain a lot. The most distinctive fast reading made us glib!
Rich funny tongue twisters like: " Through three cheese trees three free fleas flew.While these fleas flew, freeze breeze blew.Freeze breeze made these three trees freeze.Freeze trees made these trees cheese freeze.That's what made these three free fleas sneeze." made us all laugh spray, imperceptibly we mastered some phonetic symbols and many letter combination rules of pronunciation.
Retelling interesting stories gradually exercised our ability to understand!
English speaking and Q&A cultivate our ability of English writing and quick response. I love this link most, having made 24 English speeches already and accumulated a large number of words, improved oral English communicative competence.
The most deserved to be mentioned is that I succeeded in imitating a paragraph of American president Obama's inaugural address under the guidance of Mr. Deng, and won three compititions.
Because of Mr. Deng's guidance, English is fun, interesting, I have become more confident! Thanks to Mr. Deng's love and guidance; thanks to his hardworking!
Teachers' Day is coming soon! I wish him happy in holidays, have pupils everywhere! Yes, I'll send him a gift, which will be announced in Teacher's Day!
一见面,邓老师微笑着问我:"你的英文名字是什么?" 我说:"Jed",离得远,老师听成了"Jack",他就乐了,笑哈哈地说:"在飞机上,别人和你打招呼,如果说‘HiJack!’,乘客都会投降,因为‘HiJack!’是‘劫机’的意思!"我一下就放松下来,原来邓老师这么幽默、渊博,随便拿出一个词都能讲出趣事哪!
丰富搞笑的绕口令,比如:"Through three cheese trees three free fleas flew.While these fleas flew, freeze breeze blew.Freeze breeze made these three trees freeze.Freeze trees made these trees cheese freeze.That's what made these three free fleas sneeze. "(三个活泼的跳蚤飞过三棵干酪树,这些跳蚤飞过时,寒冷的风吹过,寒冷的风使这三棵树结冻,结冻的树使那些树酪结冰,这就是为什么那三个活泼的跳蚤打喷嚏),把我们都笑喷了,不知不觉就掌握了一些音标和许多字母组合的发音规则。
