1銆丆urrently锛?the issue of 銆傘€傘€俬as been brought to public attention銆?/p>
2銆両t is a traditional practice to銆傘€傘€俰n our society銆?/p>
3銆両n the past few years锛?there has been a boomsharp growthdecline in銆傘€傘€?/p>
4銆丄long with the rapid growth of 銆傘€傘€傦紝銆傘€傘€俬as bee increasingly important in our daily life銆?/p>
5銆丷ecently the issue of whether or not銆傘€傘€俬as been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public銆?/p>
It goes without saying that this picture aims at revealing a current problem; 鈥︹€︺€?In this drawing锛孍ven 鈥︹€︺€傘€?/p>
It seems to me that the artist is sending a message about the importance of 鈥︹€︺€?Though the drawing is a little exaggerating锛宨t is not rare for us to find in 鈥︹€︺€?If we let this situation of continues锛宨t not only harms 鈥︹€︼紝but also prevents 鈥︹€︺€?/p>
Accordingly锛寃e urgently call for 鈥︹€︺€?Though the government has already taken pains to implement regulations锛宨t still failz to 鈥︹€︺€?In my opinion锛宼his problem should be urgently solved so as to protect benefits銆?I expect the government will put forward more effective propositions as soon as possible銆?/p>
How enlightening and pelling the above drawing is!It is so funny that whoever sees it cannot help thinking:_____銆?杩欏彞鑷垜鍔犲畬鏁达紝浠庡畯瑙備笂鎻忚堪涓€涓嬪浘鐢诲氨鑳藉锛岀缁熺殑锛屽ぇ浣撶殑)______while_______銆?杩欏彞浠庡井瑙備笂鍏蜂綋璇存槑涓€涓嬪浘鐢昏鎻忚堪鐨勭煕鐩剧偣锛屽繀椤绘壘鍒扮煕鐩剧偣锛岀敤鍒皐hile杩欎釜鍗曡瘝)Simple as it looks锛宨ts intended meaning goes far deeper what on earth does the drawer really aim to convey銆?/p>
What the image above vividly mirrors goes far more than a simple image锛宨nstead锛宨t carries a thought provoking social phenomenon:____銆?鏈枃鐨勪富鏃?There are upsetting(濡傛枃绔犱笉鏄鍒烘€х殑锛屽氨鎶妘psetting鍒犻櫎)parallels today in our contemporary munity銆?For example锛宊_____銆?涓?涓緥瀛愶紝濡傛灉瀛楁暟澶熷氨涓?涓?
Much can be done銆?To begin with the schools and the mass media should develop锛実uide and cultivate noble and worthy values and qualities among people锛宒oing their utmost to awaken people of the growing threat of this worsening situation銆?of this worsening situation鑷垜鑳藉鎹㈡垚涓绘棬鐨勮瘝锛屽鏋滀笉鎹紝杩欐牱涔熻兘澶熴€傚鏂囩珷涓嶆槸璁藉埡鎬х殑锛屽氨鎶妛orsening鍒犻櫎)What is more锛宼he authorities concerned should play a dominant role in taking nationwide actions to curb(濡傛枃绔犱笉鏄鍒烘€х殑锛屽氨鎶奵urb鎹㈡垚promote)such practices銆侷n conclusion锛宎ll the society should make actively more sustained and concerted efforts銆侫lthough we still have a long way to go锛宎 promising start has begun锛宎nd a happy锛宧ealthy and harmonious society may be not be far behind銆?/p>
According to the two pictures presented锛?it can be observed that銆?In the left picture锛屸€︹€?銆?A the same time锛?as the right one shows銆?Different people have different views on鈥︹€?銆?/p>
Some people support by claiming that鈥︹€?銆?In their opinion锛屸€︹€?銆?In addition锛屸€︹€?銆?Meanwhile锛?there are some people锛?especially young men锛?who鈥︹€?銆?Their reasons are quite different锛?sometimes for鈥︹€?锛?sometimes for鈥︹€?锛?sometimes simply for鈥︹€?銆?/p>
In my point of view锛?both sides are partly right銆?To thoroughly analyze this problem锛?we should take into consideration of all relevant aspects锛?so as to make the right decision銆?Therefore锛?my conclusion would be that鈥︹€?銆?/p>
Just as is depicted in the picture銆?It is not difficult to find that in today鈥檚 society锛?more and more people begin to 鈥︹€?銆?It is rather good news to 鈥︹€?銆?/p>
The picture reminds us that in China锛?due to 锛屸€︹€?銆?Moreover锛?there are 鈥︹€?銆侷n addition锛?we should not forget 鈥︹€︺€?/p>
鈥︹€s a good way to express human love銆?To some extent锛?it also reflects individuals' sense of social responsibility銆?It is also a feeling from deep heart that is beyond words and is difficult to obtain no matter how rich one is銆?Therefore锛?I strongly advocate that鈥︹€?銆?I am sure our society will hence be more beautiful because of鈥︹€?銆?/p>
The chart gives us an overall picture of the ____________(鍥捐〃涓婚)銆?The first thing we notice is that_______________(鍥捐〃鏈€澶х壒鐐?銆?This means that as __________锛?_________________(杩涗竴姝ヨ鏄?銆?/p>
We can see from the statistics given that _______________(鍥捐〃缁嗚妭涓€)銆?After ving_________(缁嗚妭涓€涓殑绗竴涓彉鍖?锛?the _____Ved+骞呭害+鏃跺厜(绱ц窡鐫€鐨勫彉鍖?銆?The figures also tells us that_________________________(鍥捐〃缁嗚妭浜?銆?(鏁版嵁浣嶇疆锛屽In the second column)锛?we can see that ____________accounts for _______(杩涗竴姝ユ弿杩?銆?/p>
Judging from these figures锛?we can draw the conclusion that___________(缁撹)銆?The reason for this锛?as far as I am concerned is that_____________(缁欏嚭鍘熷洜)銆偮?It is high time that we Ved(鍙戝嚭鍊¤)
鍏充簬璇寸敤妯℃澘浣庡垎鐨勯棶棰橈紝澶у鍙互鎶婂紑澶村嚑鍙ラ檲杩版€х殑鍙ュ瓙鎵撲贡涓嬮『搴忥紝姣斿鍥捐〃浣滄枃锛屽紑澶寸殑闄堣堪鎬у彞瀛愰兘鏄細1There has been a discussion recently about apicture in which _____銆傗棆2_____銆傗棆3_____銆傗棆4The picturesconvey a clear and strong message to us that_____銆?/p>
鎴戜滑鍙互鍊掍竴涓嬭繃鏉ワ細4The picturesconvey a clear and strong message to us that_____銆?There has been a discussion recently about apicture in which _____銆傗棆2_____銆傗棆3_____銆傗棆4The picturesconvey a clear and strong message to us that_____銆?/p>
鎴栬€呬綘鑷繁鍐欎釜寮€澶?鍔犱釜鍊掕浠€涔堢殑 缁濆浜瀻鏀瑰嵎鑰佸笀鐨?4K鐪熼噾鐙楃溂~~~{:soso_e107:}
涓€銆?闂)鍗曞悜 鏍煎紡鎬诲叡鏄笁娈?/p>
娈典竴锛歋1+S2+S3+S4+S5 (S鈥斺€攕entence)鍏?鍙ヨ瘽锛屼竴鍏?0瀛楀乏鍙筹紝涓嬮潰缁欏嚭姣忓彞璇濆彲浠ュ鐢ㄧ殑鏍煎紡锛岃繖浜涙紓浜殑鏍煎紡鏄竴瀹氳鐗㈣鍜岀啛鑳岀殑锛?/p>
1.The past few years(decades)havewitnessed us (our society) faced with the issue of鈥︹€?/p>
2. In recent years there has been a growing concern among the general publicover the issue of鈥︹€?/p>
3. Nothing can be more serious (upsetting ,outstanding, meaningful鈥? than theissue of鈥︹€?/p>
S2+S3杩愮敤Flex 鎶€宸ц繘琛屾墿灞曞拰鍖呰锛岃繖浜汧lex 鎶€宸у湪鍚庨潰璇︾粏缁欏嚭锛岃鐔熻儗锛?/p>
According to a recent survey made by Dr. Cao, head of sociology department at Beijing University,70%....;and 30%....(鍦ㄦ鐩存帴鐢ㄦ暟瀛楋紝涓嶈鍐欒嫳鏂囷紝涓€鑸啓涓ゅ彞闅忎究缁?/p>
S4 鈥滃悓涓€浠借皟鏌ヨ繕琛ㄦ槑鈥?鍙堢粰鍑哄彟涓€涓暟鎹?
The same survey also shows that +(鍙堜竴鏁版嵁)
S5 鏀跺熬锛屼笌S1鍛煎簲锛屸€滅敱姝ゅ彲瑙侊紝鈥﹂棶棰樺凡缁忛潪甯镐弗閲嶄簡鈥?/p>
It can be concluded, therefore, that the issue of鈥︹€as become more and moreserious (harmful).
寮€澶达細S1 : 10 words
1. To account for the above-mentioned phenomenon (issue,tendency), variousreasons (causes) have been put forward.
2.The above problem (phenomenon) may well give rise to some effects(consequences) as follow.
S2+S3+S4: 50 words
In the very beginning,
In the first place,
In the second place, In the end,
+S3 +S4
What is more, Last but
S2,S3,S4 鍦ㄧ畝鍗曢槓杩颁簡鍚勮嚜涓€涓鐐逛箣鍚庯紝灏卞紑濮嬭繘琛孎lex鎵╁睍锛屾墿灞曞彲杩愮敤Quotation 鎴栨槸Example杈惧埌澧炲姞60鈥斺€?0瀛楋細
To illustrate the point, let鈥檚 take a look at what 鈥︹€?President Cliton) said inan article :鈥溿€傘€傘€傘€傗€?/p>
寮€澶碨1(10瀛? + S2 鎵╁睍
S3 50瀛?鎵╁睍 鍏辨墿灞?0-80瀛?/p>
S4 鎵╁睍
娈典笁(瑙e喅鏂规硶锛宻uggestions) 100 words
S1 15 words
1.We should take immediate measures, for if the present situation continues asbefore, serious outcome will come up.
2. It is high time that (immediate measures be taken now.) (such a problem beput an end to.) (a reform be made.)
S2+S3+S4+S5+S6 100 words or so
S2 On one hand, we should urge our government to lay down stricter rules toforbid鈥︹€?/p>
S3 Should anyone dare to break the law, he to she should be put into jail for 5years.
S4 In addition , our government should put in more money to protect (encourage) 鈥︹€?
S5 On the other hand, we should try every means to enhance the public awarenessof the issue of鈥?.
S6 Only through these measures, I firmly believe, will the above-discussedproblem be efficiently resolved.
娈典竴 浠嬬粛60 瀛?/p>
娈典簩 鍒嗘瀽 閲嶈鎬у師鍥?鎴栫粨鏋?benefits)
娈典笁 缁撹(瑕侀噸瑙?
娈典竴 浠嬬粛
寮€澶达細Nothing can be more outstanding(meaningful ) than 鈥︹€?/p>
娈典簩 鍒嗘瀽
(1)寮€澶达細 The above phenomenon may wellgive rise to some benefits as follow.
(2) benefits 绀句細鐨?/p>
As the phenomenon is important ,we can approach it in the following ways.
娈典笁 缁撹
閲嶈 绀句細鐢熸椿 (money锛宎wareness)
涓汉鐢熸椿 (awareness锛屾垜鐨勫喅蹇冪瓑绛?
璇存槑锛氳鐜拌薄涓鸿緝澶х被鐨勶紝濡?甯屾湜宸ョ▼锛屽氨鍙互鍔犱笂绀句細鐨勯噸瑙嗭紱杈冨皬鐨勫 浜ゆ湅鍙嬶紝淇″康濡傛槑鐏紝灏卞彧鐢ㄤ釜浜虹敓娲荤殑鍋氭硶銆?/p>
寮€澶达細It goes without saying that dueattention should be paid to the phenomenon.
(涓€) A1 VS A2 = contrast 鈥滃鐓р€濆嵆鏄竴涓簨鐗╃殑涓ゆ柟闈㈠仛姣旇緝锛屽鐪嬬數瑙嗙殑鍒╁紛锛屽嚭鍥界暀瀛︾瓑绛夛紝A1濂斤紝A2鍧忥紱鎴栨槸A1鍧忥紝A2濂斤紱
(浜?A VS B = compare 瀵规瘮 鍗虫槸涓や釜浜嬬墿鍋氭瘮杈冿紝濡傞敾鐐兼槸璺戞濂借繕鏄仛鎿嶅ソ绛夛紝A B鍚屽ソ鎴栨槸鍚屼笉濂?/p>
娈典竴 鎽嗘搨鍙帮紝灞曠幇鈥滀袱鈥濋潰
娈典簩 鍥炲埌A(A1)
鍗曞悜鍒嗘瀽 鍘熷洜锛屾垨缁撴灉锛岄噸瑕佹€э紝鍋氭硶
娈典笁 鍥炲埌B(A2)
娈靛洓 缁撳熬 閫夋嫨绫?A or B
琛ㄦ€佺被(鐢ㄦ涓嶈〃鎬佹硶) A1 vs A2
1.When it comes to the issue(phenomenon) of 鈥︹€? tuition fee;TV effects), different people have radicallydifferent opinions. Some people hold onto the idea that
鈥︹€? Other people ,however, deem that鈥︹€?
2. As regards the issue of鈥︹€?there is a popular discussion. Some people 鈥?Otherpeople ,however,鈥︹€?/p>
寮€澶达細鈥︹€?because of the followingfactors.
寮€澶?By comparison,
A or B
In the similar way,
By contrast,
A1 VS A2
Quite on the contrary,
Just as any coin has two sides, it鈥檚 no exception with the issue of 鈥? Actuallythe issue is just like a double-edged sword,and we should try every means toavoid its
harmfulness while at the same time, making the most of its advantages.
As discussed above, each side has its advantages and disadvantages. If I鈥檓allowed to make a decision, I prefer A to B ( B to A) , for the followingreasons. On one
hand,鈥?. On the other hand,鈥︹€?/p>
姣忎竴骞呭浘鐢?琛?,灏ゅ叾鏄痗artoon, 鏄琛ㄨ揪涓€涓猵hilosophy(鍝茬悊),鍥犳锛屾涓€灏辨槸鎻忚堪杩欎竴鍝茬悊鐨勬钀斤紝浣嗘槸鎻忚堪鐨勬椂鍊欏彧鐢ㄤ竴鍒颁袱鍙ヨ瘽鏉モ€滆交鎻忔贰鍐欌€濊鍑鸿繖涓摬鐞嗗嵆鍙€?/p>
濮嬫嬁闂绫讳綔鏂囩殑鏍煎紡涓€濂楋紝so easy!
1.As can be seen from the cartoon,we are able to arrive at a conclusion that 鈥︹€?/p>
2. As shown from the above picture, one point is obvious.
鈼?Upon carefully observation, we will findthat the two pictures above are closely related in meaning. 鈼?In the upper one,_____銆傗棆3In the lowerone, however,_____銆傗棆4The picturesconvey a clear and strong message to us that_____銆?/p>
鈼?There has been a discussion recently about apicture in which _____銆傗棆2_____銆傗棆3_____銆傗棆4The picturesconvey a clear and strong message to us that_____銆?/p>
There has been a gradual(slow,sharp) increase(decrease) in the number (amount,size ) of 鈥︹€ver the past few years (decades).
There has been 鈥︹€ncrease鈥︹€f 鈥︹€?while there has been 鈥︹€ecrease 鈥︹€f 鈥?.
(1) Interrept(鐐规槑鏃ㄦ剰)鍨嬬殑锛?/p>
鈼?The picture is based on the realities ofsociety. 鈼?Just like theperson in the picture, some people_____. 鈼?_____銆傗棆4_____銆傗棆5Such cases can be found in almost all walks of life.
(2) example(涓句緥)锛?/p>
鈼?Since many of the philosophic principle weadhere to are adstracted from the daily life, it is easy to find that examplesin the world around us. 鈼?The ideaillustrated in this picture is no exception. 鈼?Forexample_____銆傗棆4_____銆傗棆5_____銆傗棆6In fact,everyone has surely seen similar evidence of this truth in the their own life.
Considering the current issue and worsening situation, we should call for someimmediate action imposed by the authorities. In other words, our government ofvarious levels must make relevant plans or rules to guarantee a proper orderand justice. Beside, the general public should also be made aware that anyprompt solution is of benefit to all. Therefore, it鈥檚 the duty of ordinarypeople to actively participate in the action.
So far it鈥檚 not difficult to see that a positive attitude should be maintainedhere. For one thing, each one of us must be aware of its significance andpossible beneficial effects. This way we can translate into proper action indaily life. For the other, some positive action should also be encouraged inthe whole society.
涓€銆丵uotation 寮曠敤
To illustrate the point, let鈥檚 take a look at what President Bush said in anarticle: 鈥溾€︹€︹€濄€?/p>
浜屻€丒xample 涓句緥(鍙互閫氳繃澶╄姳涔卞潬鐨勬兂璞℃潵杈惧埌)
濡傦細鍙涓€涓句緥锛屽嚒鏄ソ浜嬪氨璇磋薄my friend锛孞erry锛屾€庝箞鎬庝箞鏍凤紱鑰屽嚒鏄潖浜嬪氨璇磋薄my neighbor 濡備綍濡備綍銆?/p>
e.g. 鑰冪爺浣滄枃鍥剧敾鏄负浠€涔堣埞澶氳€岄奔灏戜簡鍛紵
涓夈€丼tatistics 缁熻鏁板瓧
鐮旂┒鐢熷叆瀛﹁€冭瘯鑻辫浣滄枃 8
Dear Mr. Wang锛?/p>
I am writing to inform you about my decision to resign from my current position. There are a few factors involved that I find intolerable.
First of all锛?the salary has proven to be much lower than you originally promised锛?and I have a large family to support. In addition锛?the office is located in the downtown area锛?yet I live in the suburbs锛?so it is exhausting for me to spend over three hours commuting every day. Most importantly锛?I feel rather disappointed and left out on the job itself as in the past two months I was never given any really important responsibility.
I sincerely hope that you approve of my resignation. I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Yours sincerely锛?/p>
Li Ming
The cartoon symbolically depicts how three sons and a daughter treat their old锛?helpless father. They each stand in a different corner of a football field. The eldest son kicks out the father锛?who huddles up into a ball. The other children are prepared to ward him off. It is sad to see none of them is willing to receive their father.
The picture is thought-provoking锛?and what it illustrates is a common phenomenon in today鈥榮 society锛?many grown-up children refuse to support their aging parents. While they enjoy a comfortable life锛?their parents are neglected and reduced to utter poverty锛?as these elderly people have grown so physically weak that they no longer have the means to support themselves. I think these children have betrayed their own conscience and therefore may subject themselves to social contempt and criticism.
According to Chinese culture锛?to be kind to one鈥榮 parents is the height of virtue. We owe so much to our parents in that they not only gave us life but have done much in bringing us up. It is against nature for us to shirk the responsibility of taking care of our parents when they are old. Rather锛?we have the duty to pay back their love by making their later years enjoyable and happy.
With the rapid advances of _____________ in recent years锛?___has____________(寮曞嚭鐜拌薄)銆?However锛?_______ has________________锛?as____________(鎻愬嚭闂)銆?As a result锛?_____has ____________________(鎸囧嚭褰卞搷)銆俆he effects ___________ has produced on____________ can be boiled down to two major ones銆?/p>
First 锛?__________________(褰卞搷涓€)銆?More importantly锛?________________(褰卞搷浜?銆?Hence锛?I believe that we will see a ____________(鎻愬嚭灞曟湜) Nevertheless锛?I do not think we will see a ______(鎴栧弽闈㈠睍鏈?
There are numerous reasons why ____锛?and I would like to explore a few of the most important ones here銆?The first is that the more(姣旇緝绾?_____锛?the more (姣旇緝绾?銆?In addition锛?we all agree that________________________(绗簩涓師鍥?
As the old Chinese saying goes锛屸€︹€?銆?It echoes with this picture in which鈥︹€?銆?The title of the picture further points out that鈥︹€?銆?/p>
The picture is meant to鈥︹€?銆?As far as I am concerned锛?I think鈥︹€?銆?This universal truth can be particularly proved in the field of鈥︹€?锛?where鈥︹€?銆?/p>
A brief survey of history about also demonstrates the fundamental importance of鈥︹€?銆傗€︹€?锛?for example锛屸€︹€?銆?The same principle applies to mon people as well锛?and I am sure everybody can benefit from鈥︹€?銆?/p>
From the drawing锛?we can learn that鈥︹€?銆?It can be seen easily that鈥︹€?銆?We can deduce from that people鈥檚 opinion on vary from person to person銆?/p>
Some people take it for granted that鈥︹€?銆?For example锛?they firmly believe that鈥︹€?銆?But they often neglect that fact that鈥︹€?銆?Yet there are also another group of people who hold a different point of view銆?They think that鈥︹€?銆?Beside锛屸€︹€?銆?/p>
Personally锛?my attitude for this matter is positive锛?with reasons as follows銆?Firstly锛屸€︹€?銆?Moreover锛屸€︹€?銆?Lastly锛屸€︹€?銆?Therefore锛屸€︹€?銆?/p>
绗竴娈垫鎷瑕佹帹鑽愮殑璧勬枡锛欼 am writing to you to remend 銆侷 have sufficient reasons to introduce this to you and I dare say this is the best I have ever seen銆?/p>
绗簩娈靛彊杩版帹鑽愮殑涓滆タ鐨勪环鍊硷紝鑳藉浠庤〃闈㈠拰娣卞眰涓ゆ柟闈㈡潵鍐欙細This moviebookcity鐨勪富棰樻垨鍩庡競鍧愯惤浜庡摢閲屻€俉hat is more锛?鎯呰妭鍚稿紩浜恒€侀噷杈规櫙鑹插紩浜哄叆鑳溿€侳inally锛?this movie will definitely change our attitude toward this world and the people around us銆?We will learn that銆傘€傘€傘€傘€傘€?/p>
绗笁娈垫€荤粨鍙ワ細Therefore I don鈥檛 hesitate to remend this to you銆?I am sure you will enjoy the銆?/p>
The picture shows鈥︹€?銆?symbolizes鈥︹€?銆?As is quoted in the picture锛屸€︹€?銆?/p>
It apparently mirrors an increasingly mon social phenomenon in China鈥?in contrast with鈥︹€?銆?One the one hand锛?the problem partially attributes to鈥︹€?銆?Sometimes鈥︹€?銆?On the other hand锛屸€︹€?銆?For example锛屸€︹€?锛寃hile鈥︹€?銆?/p>
In my opinion锛?the government needs to launch a reform in the education system with measures that can show immediate effect銆?proves to be most beneficial to students銆?Further锛?a large-scale reform in the macroeconomic level to is the basic solution of this issue
From the picture we can perceive that鈥︹€?銆?What astonishes the drawing and the readers is that鈥︹€?銆?It is known to all that鈥︹€?锛?but it seems鈥︹€?銆?/p>
The artist utilizes this artistic presentation to imply a spreading vogue that鈥︹€?銆?Ultimately锛?the trend boils down to鈥︹€?銆?Accordingly锛屸€︹€?銆?To worsen the problem锛?this behavior is evoking鈥︹€?銆?/p>
In my point of view锛?we are in a prime time to curb the problem from deteriorating銆?First and foremost锛?the whole society should arrive at the consensus that鈥︹€?銆?Besides锛?an awareness of should be infused into everybody's mind銆?/p>
As the title indicates锛?鈥溾€︹€?鈥濓紝 the set of pictures apparently reminds us that鈥︹€?銆?It is discernable that鈥︹€?銆?/p>
The drawing virtually reminds its audience a widespread phenomenon existing negatively in the area of basic education in China锛?that is锛屸€︹€?銆?That is to say锛屸€︹€?銆?Such a practice is very harmful in terms of the following aspects銆侳irstly锛屸€︹€?銆?Secondly锛屸€︹€?銆?Last but not the least锛屸€︹€?銆?/p>
In my point of view锛屸€︹€?锛?but it is only part of the picture銆?On the other hand锛屸€︹€?銆?Therefore锛?it is an urgent task to鈥︹€?銆?As children are the future of our nation锛?creating a good environment for their upbringing means creating a bright and promising future for our nation銆?/p>
What is presented here is a very interesting scenario鈥︹€?銆?From the subtitle we can infer that鈥︹€?銆?Conspicuously锛屸€︹€?銆?/p>
We can deduce from the picture that鈥︹€?銆?It partly owes to鈥︹€?锛?and partly to鈥︹€?銆?Except the case reflected in the picture锛?there are numerous evidence demonstrating鈥︹€?銆?For example锛屸€︹€?銆?/p>
From a personal point of view锛?I am delighted to witness 鈥︹€︺€?To sum up锛屸€︹€?銆?As for China锛屸€︹€?銆?Therefore锛屸€︹€︺€?I can firmly conclude that in the long run锛?cultural exchanges will contribute to a flourishing Chinese and global economy锛?as well as diversified cultures銆?/p>
It is a very eye-catching photo in which鈥︹€?銆?What makes this picture extraordinary is 鈥︹€︼紝 which clearly indicates鈥︹€?銆?/p>
The sense of that permeates this picture is representative of鈥︹€?锛?that is锛屸€︹€?锛?and therefore锛屸€︹€?銆?China锛?in particular锛屸€︹€?銆?The effect of such munication can be best exemplified by 鈥︹€︺€?/p>
While people belong to nations锛?cultures know no boundary銆?鈥︹€s not only featured by鈥︹€?锛宐ut more importantly锛?by鈥︹€?銆?I firmly believe that is contributing锛?and will contribute more to the world鈥檚 peace锛?development锛?and prosperity銆?/p>
The two pictures illustrate vividly 鈥︹€︺€?In the left picture 鈥︹€︼紝while in the right 鈥︹€︺€?/p>
From the two pictures we can sense a crazy tendency of 鈥︹€︺€?Aside from 鈥︹€︼紝another telling example is 鈥︹€︼紝which was so successful in that 鈥︹€︺€?The pictures also make it obvious that we should 鈥︹€︺€?/p>
Admittedly锛宨t is natural that 鈥︹€︺€?Nevertheless锛宨t is the responsibility of our government and society to 鈥︹€︺€?In my opinion锛寃hat鈥檚 the more important is to 鈥︹€︺€?In short锛屸€︹€︺€?/p>
As is shown in the picture above锛屸€︹€︺€?Obviously from we can surmise that 鈥︹€︺€?/p>
It goes without saying that the primary purpose of the picture lies in eulogizing the practice of 鈥︹€?銆?As a matter of fact锛?it is not rare to find in our everyday life deeds of similar nature銆侳or instance锛屸€︹€?銆?Additionally锛?we can also hear many stories about 鈥︹€?銆侼ot to mention those moving cases of 鈥︹€?銆?/p>
All in all锛?I firmly believe that a harmonious society is based on a 鈥︹€?銆?By 鈥︹€︼紝 people not only harvest 鈥︹€︼紝 but also gain that can never be purchased via money銆?/p>
What is presented here is a very interesting scenario鈥︹€?銆?From the subtitle we can infer that鈥︹€?銆?Conspicuously锛屸€︹€?銆?/p>
We can deduce from the picture that鈥︹€?銆?It partly owes to鈥︹€?锛?and partly to鈥︹€?銆?Except the case reflected in the picture锛?there are numerous evidence demonstrating鈥︹€?銆?For example锛屸€︹€?銆?/p>
From a personal point of view锛?I am delighted to witness 鈥︹€︺€?To sum up锛屸€︹€?銆?As for China锛屸€︹€?銆?Therefore锛屸€︹€︺€?I can firmly conclude that in the long run锛?cultural exchanges will contribute to a flourishing Chinese and global economy锛?as well as diversified cultures銆?/p>
There is a popular Chinese song锛?named 鈥溾€︹€?鈥濓紝 which encourages鈥︹€?銆?However锛?the in the picture does but for a very different reason鈥斺€︹€?銆?From the facial expression of we can read鈥︹€?銆?/p>
Sadly as it is锛?this phenomenon does not occur rarely in today's society锛?for which are responsible銆?For one thing锛屸€︹€?銆?For another锛屸€︹€?銆?As a matter of fact锛?the boosting economic development in China sadly and ironically witnesses a deterioration of鈥︹€?銆?/p>
The above analysis is best exemplified by鈥︹€?銆?In my opinion锛?the awareness of is elementary for paving the way towards success銆?/p>