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时间:2010-04-15来源:英语作文网栏目:英文原著作者:英语作文 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
Scarlett comes to her sense at last. She wants to tell him everything; she wants to tell him she loves him and she wants to gain his love to her. But its too late. Her lovely daughter is dead; Rhett

Scarlett comes to her sense at last. She wants to tell him everything; she wants to tell him she loves him and she wants to gain his love to her. But it’s too late. Her lovely daughter is dead; Rhett is worn out and decides to go away. “Oh, my darling, if you go, what shall I do?” He said: “My dear, I don’t give a damn.”[16] Suddenly, her great house becomes a tomb, and her wealth has already lost the significance to her. What Scarlett loses is not only her love but also her soul, although she owns too many things on the aspect of materials. And it just likes a cup; she just gets hold of it on the left hand, but then loses it on the right hand.
However, she is able to handle the tragedies by thinking about them “tomorrow is another day” and “things always look better in the morning”. She wants to return to Tara, the source of her strength, and she believes that she can get Rhett back confidently.
5. Conclusion
The three parts above analyze the features and reasons of Scarlett’s complex character. The figure of Scarlett is real and vivid and the image of Scarlett’s portrayed by the author corresponds to the logic of the developing of the figure’s character, which is real and full of appeal, and that is enough to prove that Gone with the Wind is a masterpiece, charming and valuable.

liuxuepaper Editor's Bibliography

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[3][10][12][13][15][16] Margaret Mitchell,Gone with the Wind[M], New York: A Time Warner Company, 1993, P81, P956, P519, P1016, P1004, P1023
[4] 邓玉芬,斯佳丽:“飘”不走的梦和人-对《乱世佳人》的女性主义解读[J],湖南科技学院学报,2005, 26(2), P183
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[7] 徐振忠,试论《飘》对女主人公的性格刻画及其审美功能[J], 黎明职业大学学报2004,(3), P33
[8] 孙宇,郝思嘉的现实主义性格特征透析[J],哈尔滨学院学报,2003, 24(10), P42
[9] 胡阶娜,American Culture History and Literature[M], 天津:南开大学出版社,2004, P107
[11] 杨福玲,重返陶乐-评玛格丽特.米切尔与《飘》[J],天津市工会管理干部学院学报 2004, 12(1), P61
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