In order to define whether loan is for a first house or a second house, banks can no longer rely on the public credit registries system. They now need to investigate house ownership information with the help of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-rural Development, according to a regulation jointly issued by the commission, the People's Bank of China and other two related authorities.
上面的报道中,loan for a second house就是我们说的“二套房贷款”,在认定过程中既要认credit registry(贷款记录),也要认house ownership(房屋所有权),也就是近期报道中说的“认房又认贷”。
新政出台后,购买第二套房的业主如果provide false information(提供虚假信息),银行将可能hold back their assets(扣押房产),并且在央行存储a record of the transgression(不良记录信息),今后贷款时可能受限。
与此相对,购买首套住房的业主可以享受favorable first-home loans(首套房优惠贷款),也就是大概八折的preferential interest rate(优惠利率)。这也就难怪有那么多人想占这个便宜了。