Each of us children has numerous questions somewhere in the corner of the head, wondering about questions like “why does the Sun rise in the east and set to the west?”, “why could the mountains be that high and oceans that deep?”, “why are the mountains 美国GREen and water clear?”, “how could birds fly in the sky and fish swim in the water?”, etc. And I am just one of them. 作文地带 www.LiuxuePaper.com
光阴似箭、日月如梭,随着时光的飞逝,我一天天长大啦!通过努力学习、不耻下问、勇于探索,我总能将自己心中那些五花八门、层出不穷的谜团一一解开。我相信世上无难事,只要肯登攀! 作文地带 www.LiuxuePaper.com
I grow up with each passing day, and I always can get answers to those different mysteries that keep coming to me with my own effort, an open mind to different sources and a spirit of “daring to try”, because I have a faith in my mind that there is no mountain too high to be overcome by a determined heart.
Just a couple of days ago, after I finished reading a lately-published book by Yang Hongyin, “Niupi, A Lately-Admissioned Student”, I started wondering why the children in foreign countries can enjoy such freedom from their parents while we children in China can’t.
After I turned to my classmates and friends, who are bothered by the same question as well, for the answer, my teachers believe that the reason lies in the parents’ completely different views on the education of their children between the eastern and western countries, while my mother thinks that parents are just different in their way of showing love to children. It seems to me that I am the only one to count on for the answer behind this.
After my careful re-reading the book with that question in mind, I finally come to an answer: the respect. The parents in the western countries, putting themselves in their children’s shoes, show respect to their children as well as their own decisions, while parents in the eastern culture, mistakenly in the name of love, choose not to do so. I just can not cheer myself up even I have found the answer anyway. I just wonder why our parents keep doing things like this. [page]分页标题[/page]
It seems to me that we are living in two totally different worlds. However, we share a dream for a free, happy, healthy and perfect childhood. I believe this dream will come true with the understanding, love and support from our families, schools and society.
写作[xiě zuò]
NA.writing; pencraft; pen and ink
解释:Writing; write; composition.