A better strategy is to wait for the hiring manager to raise the subject of salary. If the job pays less than what you previously made, respond with a plausible reason for accepting it. For example, you might say that you recognize what's going on in the economy and cite reasons why you're attracted to the position and the company. 'You want to project that you are facing reality and are comfortable with the situation,' says Mr. Joerres.
Finally, prepare an explanation about what led to your layoff. For example, you might tell the interviewer that your skill set wasn't critical to your last employer's survival, but that you believe it is for the organization you're now targeting -- and then explain why, suggests Mr. Joerres.
If you've been unemployed for a long period of time and a recruiter asks why, consider pointing out that you're being selective about your next move, says Mr. Joerres. Then describe how the position is a strong fit. Or you might explain that you opted to delay your search to spend time with family or take a class, suggests Ms. Shapiro. 'You have to make those last months sound like a conscious choice,' she says.
如果你不幸成为今年超百万失业大军的一员, 那你可得用点不同寻常的策略来寻觅新工作了。
你也许会面临前所未有的激烈竞争, 而且应聘时对方可能会问一些为何你先前会被解雇这一类难以应对的问题。要想顺利找到工作、不致在失业的困境中越陷越深, 你就必须懂得从何处入手、如何让自己脱颍而出以及如何描述自己当下的处境。
Dave Klug加利福尼亚伍德兰德岗(Woodland Hills)的职业规划师、《求职必做之事》(What Does Somebody Have to Do to Get a Job Around Here)作者辛西娅·夏皮罗(Cynthia Shapiro)说, 关键的第一步是接受失业这一事实。有些人会因此而恼怒, 还有些人会失去安全感, 这些反应均属正常。不过, 如果招聘人员察觉到你有此种感受, 你在求职之路上就可能遭遇挫折。夏皮罗说:“你必须花点时间来调整自己的心情。”
一旦你准备开始找工作, 你就要想到,视野越宽, 机会就越多。波士顿就业服务公司埃塞克斯事务所(Essex Partners)的霍华德·塞德尔(Howard Seidel)建议,多看看当地的报纸、行业杂志和工商界出版物, 寻找有招聘意向的用人单位。他说, “有些人(失业后)就不再看报纸了, 因为报上都是令人沮丧的消息。” 不过如果坚持看报纸的话,“你就能够了解到哪些公司看来仍然运转良好。”
不要把小公司或目前处境艰难行业的公司排除在外。塞德尔说:“有些公司是逆势而行的。” 医疗保健、教育等行业的工作岗位仍在增加, 会计及理财顾问行业也持续看好, 只不过它们的增长势头有所减弱而已。
另一个找工作的方法就是建立人脉网路, 特别是猎头, 不管手头是否有适合你的职位, 他们都能够为你提供非常有价值和有深度的意见。塞德尔说:“他们处于招聘市场的第一线, 通常会对目前的状况非常了解。”
如果你尚未跟猎头建立起联系, 那么现在就应该着手做这件事了。许多猎头公司的网站都会接受简历, 在你投递简历之后就会有猎头跟你联络。不过如果你主动直接去找猎头本人, 成功的几率就会大大提高。猎头通常更倾向于选择那些有人推荐的求职者, 所以你可以去找找以前的同事、合作伙伴、校友以及其他关系, 让他们向熟悉的猎头推荐你。 liuxuepaper.com