需要指出的是,“play safe”这一招并不意味着我们不必下苦功去记一些必要的、十分基本的词汇,有些词的使用率很高,比如computer,environment,efficiency等,是避不开的。还有的考生上了考场,连modern,society,pollution,甚至benefit这类词都拼写不准,那就不能不给人一个基本功太差的印象。
让我们看一看“Good Health”这篇作文。①Importance of good health②Ways to keep fit.③My own practices.
先看第一段“好身体的重要性”,有的考生写道:“With the rapid development of our economy,with the improvement of our living standard,with more and more people s realization of the importance of good health,now people are attaching greater importance to their health.”“随着经济的飞速发展,随着人民生活的改善,随着大家对健康的重要性的了解,…”不要忘记,四级作文总共才要你写百十来个字,你一开头
就罗罗嗦嗦说了三四十个字,还没有说到正题上,多么不得要领。切记,好的作文应该单刀直入,直截了当。不要兜圈子,绕弯子,第一句话最好就采用“topic sentence”,点明主题,重点突出———这叫“开门见山”。
“Good health is important to everyone.”
这时,有两个相当重要的词汇大家应该铭记在心———“with”和“without”,尤其是后一个,议论文中几乎可以算是一把开启各式门锁的“万能钥匙”。如:Good health is very important to everyone.With it,we can study hard;We can serve the country;We can do everything as we like.Without good health,everybody knows,we will fail to do things;We can twork efficiently;We may stay in hospital;We ll become a
burden of our family,etc.
In my opinion,there are two ways for me to keep fit.First,we must eat a balanced diet.That is to say—we must eat not only eggs,fish,meat but also some vegetables and fruit everyday.Besides eating,drinking clean water is also important.Never get addicted to drinking the so-called“soft drinks”.Second,exercising is a vital part of our daily life.We can do some running in the morning and play football in the afternoon.